
Am I seeing spirits!!! Why am I seeing them all of a sudden.?

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I've always been really open to the fact that their are spirits and never been scared of them (I'm 14). We've always had weird things happen in our house, doors slamming, tv/radios turning on and off, just things like that. Lately I keep seeing things though I know this sounds crazy, but I am. I swear I've seen a little boy and older man in our house, I've seen the man a few times. I feel like I'm going nuts! I told my parents and they just kinda laughed it off. Could I really be seeing spirits? Why am I seeing them all of a sudden? Why isnt anyone else in my house seeing them?




  1. You're rather young.  Perhaps you're too young to understand, but Sylvia Browne is a very, very bad person.  She is lying to you and millions of others.  It is her goal to milk gullible people out of as much cash as she can.  You and the others she claims to help are just victims in her scam.

    Please do yourself a favor and don't rely on magic to make sense of the world around you.  Take the time and effort to understand what the world is and how it works.  Otherwise you will be victimized by people like Sylvia Browne your entire life.

  2. Everything in the universe is spirit.

  3. I know you're 14, but I'm going to answer as though you're an adult - there is no credible evidence whatsoever for anything such as "spirits".  More likely, you are partly remembering dream images.  

    However, you can test this for yourself.  Just borrow (or buy) a small cheap camera, and carry it around with you.  If you see the images again, you'll be able to record the evidence straight away.


  4. Hormones are kicking in your psychic ability.  Watch Montel Williams on Wednesdays when psychic Sylvia Browne is on or read one of her fifty million books.  You aren't nuts.

  5. Hi my name is Ron and I  am part of a paranormal investigation team based out of Grand Junctionwe are called MAPSS paranormal Investigations. No you are not going nuts There could be several reasons why this is happening now in your life have your mom and dad experienced the activity you have mentioned? our team uses the latest technology in our investigations and we are non-profit we do not charge and we can help you can log on to our website at or you can email me personaly we can help. you might be what is called a sensitive .or you might just have a mischevious entiy in your home I would need alot more info . please do not hesitate to contact me ok look us up on the web we are very good at what we do and we are here to help I admire your courage to come forward with this but your reaction is quite normal nobody wants to talk about this and think they are going crazy get in touch if I can help ok?

  6. Some people see ghost and others don't. I've seen ghost all of my life.  Your nut crazy just gifted.  You are probably at an age where your mind and body are more developed and just more comfortable with your own judgment.  Some people see ghost and just explain them away as something else, because they don't want to believe what they are seeing.  

    Go to your local library or hall of records and research your house.  You may find out who they were.  You may even find a picture once you find out who they are.

    Your not going nuts, better then half of all people claim to have seen a ghost.  Also look for old family pictures, they could be from your own family.

    Edit 1.  The reason  we get thumb bomb is because there are to many disbelievers that have nothing better to do than trash us.  No mater how much they dislike it they are wrong, and small minded.  Its really pathetic.  Answers is for helping people not trashing them.

  7. Don't think that you are going nuts, because your not. Believe me, there are plenty of people who are out there who are going through the same thing, including me. Like you should watch A Haunting on discovery kids. It's real!!! It's really scary, but it can sometimes show you what you can do if your story is related. I think you should get a priest to bless your house soon. I know your parents are going to say no, so try to do it when they aren't home. I really hope this helps you.

  8. im a few years younger than u and all this has been happening, except i see a beautiful-yet-frightening-lady and a girl that looks a lot like me except different in some ways..... any way its really scary. my mom is really spiritual and so are her friends. according to them, she and i have an extraordinary gift. my best friend has similar happenings. your not nuts. at least not any more than me, and i am certainly NOT crazy.

    hope this helps a little,


    been there

  9. You are probably seeing them because your mind is open to them. Small children and animals have a tendency to be very sensitive to ghosts because they don't know any different. If nobody ever told you there was no such thing as ghosts, then your mind is open to all possibility. Perhaps they are showing themselves to you now because they just want to be noticed, or maybe they are simply confused. It is also possible that they have no idea you are even there. You'll get used to them. Say hi now and then and go about your business. And don't be afraid, they can't hurt you.

  10. Lol. You guys are wack. I lol'd at the first answer. "Your psyhic ablities are kicking in" Lol what is this, starwars?

  11. There is a possibility that you are seeing ghost or spirits.  But why all of a sudden you see them when you have not prior to this is the mystery.  Could I get a little more info please?  Have you always lived where you live now? Have you tried the local library to search for history on the house or property?  Do you see them at any time or is it mostly around the same time?  Do they appear to be walking or are they there and then not there?  Do you get a chance to interact with them at all?  Have you tried to make a picture or get video evidence or run a recorder?

    I want to tell you that you are not nuts and that there is nothing there that can hurt you at all, so don't be afraid.  Some people are just not as open to the experience so that would explain why it is that your folks don't see.

  12. Hi

    There are many things adults dont quite understand about young peoples minds and how they think and work. I also belive in spirits and are not really afaid of them, but there has been a few times that i got so scred i almost pissed myself. If you are feeling this strongely about them try to talk with them, at nigth wheny oua rea lone try to see if you can get them to move something. They arent hurting you now and most spirits are good at heart and are kind of caught between dementions.  Try the dad or the young boy, dad moght be more easy since you are like a child to him he might be wiling to let you know what he wants.

    Good Luck

  13. Hi,

    No, I don't think you're seeing spirits. I know you're young, but I think you're old enough to understand what I'm going to say. You may have had a dream as you were waking, perhaps even a leftover of a dream that you remembered during the day, and this led to you thinking you may have seen a vision. And now that you've thinking you're seeing spirits, the power of suggestion will be strong and you'll keep deceiving yourself into thinking you saw "something" out of the corner of your eye, when it's just a visual illusion heightened by your expectations.

    Nobody else in the house is seeing the "spirits" precisely because they are only an illusion in your mind, brought on by your expectations and your imagination. So there is nothing to fear, and they will go away just as soon as you forget about them.

    Edit 1. Similar to the mystical answers, the reason why scientific answers get the thumb bomb in the Science & Mathematics > Alternative categories is because there are too many True Believers that have nothing better to do than trash scientists. No matter how much they dislike it they are wrong, and small minded. Its really pathetic. Answers is for helping people not trashing them.

  14. look the spirits chose u they want you to help them. they feel the trust in you. i know this sounds wierd but i have experienced this 5 times once you pray and ask them wat do they want nicely they will show you.

  15. maybe listening to sylvia browne and reading her books is part of the problem. She doesnt believe in psychics or ghosts, she is a proven fraud. I don't know why people listen to her like she is some kind of authority.

    John Edwards, VanPrague etc, these people are conmen, not psychics or mediums.

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