
Am I setting myself up for dissapoinment by saving my pokemon cards?

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Everyone says there value will increase in several years, but maybe they wont. I makes me sick to look at them, and I don't want to wait around for someone to buy them. It makes me feel like I have all these kids' toys lying around that nobody wants. And if I throw them away I might regret it later. What to do!!??




  1. Sorry to say this but their value will go higher. Just give it a chance to make a bounce. Just be patient for a bit. If it makes you that sick to even look at them then throwing them away is in your best interest. If you can endure the sickness for a while longer you might be rich from it. Who knows what might happen. That is why people these days save things more often for those kinds of situations. It hurts later on down the road to throw them away. If you are looking to keep up with your life history keeping at least one card for old times. It is great to have memories. I am still just in my mid teens and I am keeping mine due to getting rich later on in life. I never understood how to play and if someone were able to teach me I would play it but other than that I keep it for the money. I have rare to find cards that cost a c**p load now but if I wait a bit longer then I will be able to pay a car note with the money off that card. So saving is a good thing but if it is that much of a bother then you have the other choice.

  2. Put in box.  Put box in closet.  Forget about them.  then if they become valuable you still have them.  If they don't, well you can have a polkemon bonfire on your 60th bday.

  3. Put them on Ebay. If you want alot of money you wont be the one selling them. Maybe your grandkids but not you. See how much you can get on Ebay. There is always someone that will pay alot.

  4. several decades after you and your grandkids are dead..

  5. Kids toys usually increase in value. But only if they are in mint condition. Nostalgia is a very expensive thing. Look at ebay with the old transformer toys.

  6. Why don't you just put them in a box and out of sight so that you won't have to dwell on them being there.  Revisit them in a couple of years and make the decision on if you want to get rid of them or not.  Considering how you can sell practically anything on eBay, there is a good chance that they you might get some monetary gain out of them one day.

  7. Look at it this way. If you throw them away and then want them later, you won't have them and you'll be out of luck. But if you keep them and they never become valuable, well, at least you have the memories and you've lost nothing!

    Throwing them away means potentially losing their value. There's no downside to keeping them as long as you have enough space. Put them somewhere where you don't have to look at them, and forget about them.

  8. I too own 3 thousand Pokemon cards that I may or may not sell in the future. Your best bet is to obtain a card guide, (Which I own) that tells their prices now if in good condition. Or go to a convention or one of them card pawn shops. I'm sure you'll find a good price.

  9. better to be safe than sorry

  10. The kids will grow up and when in there later years will want to remember there youth, only reason to keep such things.

    It is hit and miss with such things.

    Throw them away and it will just make those out there more rare, and could possibly mean worth more....maybe.

  11. Pack & store them safely in a box somewhere out of the way.

    Forget about them and then bring them out when you are old and grey. I'm pretty sure they should be worth more by then.

  12. I don't know I know I would probly do something else to them because it's like nobody wants them anymore.

  13. do not sell them trust me it will be a big mistake.

    just put them in a folder so you dont have to look at them but remeber where they are when they become more valueble.

    complete sets are worth way more then regular cards even if you have like 1,000 cards the orginal 151 cards will still be worth alot more.

    even if the 1,000s are all rares.

  14. OMG

    iv gota hundreds of the things too!!!!

    mine are somewhere in my room in a folder so no one knows so i dont feel stupid or whatever!!



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