
Am I setting myself up for failure if I tell my date what my pet peeves are when it comes to men?

by  |  earlier

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I have a lot of bad experiences with men. Without going into too much detail, is it a bad idea for me to tell my dates what bother me (like being stood up, etc). I am a woman who's not clingy or desperate at all which is a plus but I wonder if it's ok to express those annoyances?




  1. i would not tell them on the first few dates.  wait until they make the mistake then tell them how it makes you feel and what you need from them.  don't bring up the past.

  2. i would tell them...b/c if he cant accept u

    then he dont need u!!!!!

    easy as that!

  3. I would not tell him on the first few dates for sure...and I also would not go out of my way to tell him. These things have a way of naturally coming out when you are in a really good relationship. Also like a person above need to tell him pet peeves unless he commits an act...then you tell him that is not acceptable and leave it at that.

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