
Am I sick? What's wrong? thanks for anwering?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 13 years old. Today, I felt fine. I had at most 8 hours of sleep.I had just gotten spacers, which made me want to skip breakfast, so I did, and held off to 12 something. I ate a spicy instant noodle with an egg broken in there and a scoop of mocha ice cream right after. About 30 minutes later, I went swimming. After awhile, I felt noxious, but I ignored it. When I finally needed to get out, I felt sick, dizzy, and noxious. Actually, I still feel a bit dizzy now so please excuse my bad explanation. My legs felt like Jell-o and my mom said my face was pale. Then, I puked in a trashcan. Is something wrong? Or was it normal? Am I sick?




  1. you ate before you swam.

  2. you are really smart...not

    it's called food poisoning or stomach ache

    +your not supposed to eat before swimming

  3. hello !!! first you have to eat some kind the protein  in your breakfast( meat , chiken, eggs ) when your feel your legs like jello , it s mean you need to eat more, and wait for 30 to 45 minutes , and then you can go to swim, please chek your sugar!!! good luck !!!! and take care....

  4. You are normal and not sick. Your choices about when and what you ate and then to exercise right afterwords were poor. Give yourself a break. Eat something better for breakfast. You can have a smoothie and still be healthy. (milk, yogurt, fruit, honey and ice in a blender)

    Learn a lesson and do the opposite. Eat a health breakfast and wait a couple hours before exercising.

  5. You're a little sick, but here's why.

    You ate a spicy noodle thing on an empty stomach.  THEN, you added dairy to the mix.  That's enough to turn anyone's stomach sour.  

    Try taking better care of yourself.  Don't skip breakfast.  Even if all you have is a glass of milk and some toast.  

  6. knowone should ever go swimming after eating anything, the cold water effects the stomachs natural ability to deal with the nourishment of the food process.It takes approximtely 2 hours for the digestion to start its process of breaking down the nutrients in the food we feed it.Therefore sending all the goodness to the necessary  system flow.That is why you were sick, so remember next time, always eat after swimming. Hope that your feeling a lot better honey.

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