
Am I silly at 44,starting to work out & body sculpt?

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I have always been active but never really got into sports.After sickness 2 years ago,I started exercising.I got to a point where I wanted more.I started doing light weights as well.I was already walking every day, doing aerobics and palites.I started to muscle up and look great so Ive kept it up.Hubby says I look great & my friends say I am good enough to compete soon if I want to.I am married with 6 kids,all my own. I know my body looks better now than ever,but fell at 44,I may be deluding myself.I would like your opinions on this please guys as sometimes I feel silly. I also get sligh looks and comments now from all the locals.




  1. I think it is fantastic. People are looking because they want some of what you've got!

  2. Seems that you are asking the guys, but for what its worth, exercise is healthy for everyone. Most don't do enough, but exercising should be done according to age and strength. Could be insecurity pushing you into more and more... as well as, excitement about your accomplishments. But if the latter, where is your insecurity coming from? I say that because you say you feel silly, insecure, want the guys opinions, and don't trust your husbands judgment. Compliments only build false security. Self confidence gives that inner peace. I think a woman is more attractive with a well built and well kept body than lots of muscle. (Spell check not working)

  3. at 44 u should care what people say ..just do it

  4. your crazy if you think you are too old to go for it! Besides, investing in good health will reap major benefits for you and make your quality of life better overall.

    I just want to say this, although it may not be something you are familiar with. Have you ever seen that movie Bloodsport with Jean-Claude-Van Damme? In that movie (if you seen it) do you remember the bad guy, the big monster-muscle looking asian guy that he defeats in the end? I dont know his name, but during filming of that movie that guy was 50 years old at the time!!! When I found that out I was amazed and it gave me motivation. Now the guy is 70 and he still apparently lifts weights 2 hours a day, and he's still huge.

    So don't let age be a negative in your mind!!

  5. NO

  6. ronnie coleman is 44 i belive and until this last contest was reigning 8 time mr olympia. keep it up.  

  7. I say go for it. It is a healthy lifestyle, plus you look great. The locals are probably envious.  

  8. Its never silly to get healthy...if you are trying to become a body builder, my opinion on that is the whole thing looks gross guys and girls...if you just want to get in shape go for it

  9. no your smart and have a good chance of living allot longer

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