
Am I smart at taking care of my psp?

by  |  earlier

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1. I DON'T leave it in my backpack i'm too scared. So I keep it in my pocket and every minute or so, I check to see if it's there.

2. I have the psp box and i have a paper that says the nickname, mac adress and specs.

3. I tell no one I have a psp


Haven't got jacked yet. I haven't been jacked of my pencils either because i leave it at the very bottom of my backpack :) and i never leave it alone there where NO ONE is watching it.

So, the point of this is with the information i have is it possible to get it back, if I do get it stolen?




  1. yes you do indeed

  2. yeah;

    yeer keeping good care of it;

    i just dont think keeping it in yeer pocket is safe

    my brother kept his in his pocket once

    and he fell one day

    and the psp got jacked up

    so be careful(:



    good job

    and yes,

    by the way yu take care of it

    i think it is possible to get it back

  3. I'm pretty sure you could get it back if you have everything, and you do.

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