
Am I <span title="fat?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">fat?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

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Okay I am 15 years old, and I am 5'8 (68 inches) and 170 pounds (sometimes 165-169) If i dont eat anything!




  1. For a girl, that&#039;s huge.  For a guy that&#039;s pretty goddamn big too.  I&#039;m 6 and 145.  But if your muscular, then obviously the bmi doesn&#039;t mean ****, ok?  So don&#039;t let it tell you that your fat if your muscular.

  2. well you need 2 exercise more the key 2 losing wiehgts is burning more calories then you put in i dnt nesseceraly suggest calory counting or anything but try getting out there and getting fit i had mates like you that as they hit puberty and started growin a little more they started sliming down a bit but it never hurts 2 exercise you should probably check your diet 2 try 2 avoid pre packaged food and sugars i know they&#039;re the best but sill it all contributes good luck champ

  3. salam you are fit dont worry i am the same and my height is 5&#039;9 and my age is 15.

  4. are you happy?

    if your happy who gives a ****?

    just height and weight is a hard way to tell if someones overweight.

    im about 6 foot and i weigh roughly 250 lbs.

    written, it sounds like im pretty fat.

    but my body fat percentage is in the range of &quot;healthy male&quot;

    if you think your overweight start a diet, and start exercising.

    and keep eating!!

    youll stop burning calories if you stop eating.


  5. There is a Calorie calculate programe

    Healthy Weight Range Calculator

    More infomation the link:

    When you have this question, please calculate in this site!

  6. well a little bit.

    but you can defitinely lose pounds.

    but don&#039;t go not eating, eat salads and fruits and exercise plenty!

    Hope I helped.

    Make sure you ask me any questions you have.

  7. According to your BMI( body mass index) you are just a little bit over weight.  I am also 5&#039;8&#039; but i weigh 130.

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