
Am I spoiled? My friend said I was spoiled. ?

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My friend said I was spoiled.

I asked her if she was joking,

and she said that whenever I asked for something for my birthday I got it. I didn't think that was true. I have an i-pod nano, have had two camera's in my life (it is currently broken), and a cell phone. This is my second phone, but the first one I bought myself. I know that I have a lot, but I didn't force my parents to get it for me, I simply asked them at christmas and birthday's. Some of the things I payed for myself. My parent's don't even have that much money. I am 14 years old.




  1. You don.t come across as being spoiled,just because you've got stuff doesn't make you spoiled,it's the attitude in asking for things and the way you talk about your stuff to others,say you bragged allot about what you had or demanded things from your parents then i would say you were spoiled,You seem grounded to me,just the fact that you asked the question means you've already done a self analysis on your self.

  2. i dont think your spoiled u should see me......

  3. in this day and age my day and age yes.hand me downs was doing good say you long as your allowance is not to exstravagent and you save you deserve what you want within boundries of coarse

  4. ...not at deserved all that you received and more...

  5. your not spoiled

    anything i want big like an ipod or a cell phone i have to wait for xmas or my b-day

    they are special days so you get special stuff

    and you work for your stuff too so yeah

    your friends is dumb no offense

  6. yes your spoiled, I'm a hobo with a computer and all you think about is yourself.

  7. I wouldn't say spoiled but I'm sure you take a few things for granted. Don't worry, we all do it. Just remember, keep everything in perspective. Remember that there people in the world that don't even have enough to eat. Be grateful everyday that you can afford those things. You're not spoiled if you are thankful and don't take it for granted. But that's a learning process, we all go through it.

  8. Only if you are not truly grateful for your blessings and expect them at any cost to yourself or others.

  9. No you are not spolied. Spolied would beif you go up to your mom on a randomn day and tell her to buy a new computer or something expensive. I get whatever I want on my b-day and christmas. I tell my mom I want this and she gets I dont ask for a pony on my birthday. Taht  would be spolied and weird cause I am a boy.

  10. Honestly, you don't sound spoiled. Sounds similar to the things I've asked for, main possessions are my iPod Nano and my cell phone, I've had the same 4G iPod for over a year,...and this is my second phone, because the other one broke. I'm content with what I have.

    Maybe your friend is jealous, does she have the same things you have? Or what?

    Don't let it get to you, you honestly don't sound spoiled...

    To me, I think people are spoiled when they can get a car for their 14th birthday. (and they can't even USE it...)

    Now, THAT is spoiled, when parents just hand their kids things they can't even use.

  11. You do not sound spoiled to me.

    Spoiled is about how you behave and not what you have.  If you are respectful of your belongings and appreciate the sacrifices your parents make so that you can have these things, then you are not spoiled.  

    If you whine and pout and make life miserable until you get something and then cast if aside as soon as you want something else, then you are spoiled.

    I grew up without very much and I thought my friends were spoiled when they didn't appreciate the things they had and were always asking for something more, or saying mean things about their parents because they did not get what they wanted exactly when they wanted it.

  12. Spoiled is a relative term.  Those possessions sound typical of middle and upper class American teenagers.  And yes, there are people all over the world, as well as in this country, who have a lot less.  But I would say that having a lot of material possessions alone does not make you spoiled.  'Spoiled' to me means expecting to get whatever you want without having to work for it.  Or taking everything for granted.  It more has to do with attitude than how much stuff you have.

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