
Am I starving my husband?

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My husband says that I am denying him food when I stop him from picking at the dinner pots. We are on a tight budget, which he is in control of - so I tend to cook just enough for that meal. For instance, instead of cooking three steaks I cook two, one for him and one for me, any advice please?




  1. Why would you cook more than what is needed for a meal? typical Americans, no wonder you've got an obesity problem.

  2. Cooking just enough for a meal is excellent economics and environmental soundness.  However, for once cook enough for say one and a half meals.  Then as he picks at the food you also pick at the food and YOU EAT WHAT IS LEFT ON A LOVELY PLATE and tell him sorry, but he has eaten his.

  3. In his point of view you are starving your husband,no doubt especially if he's really used to that kind of lifestyle,hehehe. why not talk to him and ask for his suggestions on how to save things so that whatever he says and you do it,assuming it can really work out,he will not complain to you,100%.

  4. Keep him lean and keep him keen...the poor sod

  5. Men are like that - just can't wait can they!..

  6. It would drive me mad if he started picking before its cooked/served up.  slap his hand!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Its totally  reasonable to cook enough for one meal, why would you cook 3 steaks if there is only two of you.

    Is he overweight?     seems strange if he is in control of the money, its you who's cutting back, you can only use the money available cant you, if hes not happy he should give you more grocery money.

  7. Oh pssshaw !  Tell him to get his paws out of the food until dinner is on the table.  He's not a little kid.  

    If he still wont comply.

    When you divide the food, take into account the portion he has already eaten.

    Last threat.

    You cook from now on. I quit..

  8. tell him more money more food

  9. LOL

  10. You're probably not starving him but is he overweight? Are you both trying to lose weight? If not and the only reason why you're cutting back is because of the budget you are probably "starving" him... meaning you're giving him less food than he wants. Steaks are expensive. Protein should be less but you should try to have tasty fillers to compensate. Usually foods with carbs will do the trick. Potato dishes, rice pilaf, etc..

  11. Is it just that he's hungry before dinner is ready, or that he's not getting enough when he does eat?  Maybe some cheap appies will tide him over...celery and peanut butter?

  12. When dishing out the food put his on his place less the part he has already eaten! He will soon learn when everytime you sit down for a meal he has less than you!

  13. Tell him...

    Food prices have soared due to gas prices going up. If we had more money to spend on food, I would gladly serve it to you, however since you control the purse strings, this is the best I can do.

  14. how do you have a husband when your avatar is a guy?

  15. Reverse the roles, you take of the budget and let him cook.  Or tell him if he wants to pick it will come off his portion of food and not yours so he will get less for dinner.

  16. If you are cooking for two,why would anyone cook three steaks? That smacks of greed to me.If he is having to get used to a tighter budget tell him to be grateful for what he gets.

  17. tell him to stop moaning

  18. why can't HE cook the food if he isn't happy with what he is getting!

  19. does your husband suffer from morbid obesity my good american wifey

  20. let him eat what he wishes from the pots, dish your dinner up first, then give him what is left!

  21. Tell him that if he wants more food, you can start cooking vegetarian because you get more food for your money.

    I'm sure that would go over quite well.

  22. i was in the same situation. its in the proportion. most of the time, my husband didn't eat much but he said he felt he needed more because of the size of the food. for instance, one steak each makes him think he still wants more because physically, he's bigger than me - so an equal share means i'm full and he's half-full. so i changed the proportions since i do eat less than he does. and i always add a side dish of veggies to fill up his plate. its not a trick to make him eat less so we could stay within the budget. its a technique to make sure everyone is satisfied with every meal - you, him, and your budget.

  23. I think it's a good idea to cook just enough. If you started to cook more food that what you actually need, you would probably end up with a lot of food wasted, that would lead to a waste of money. I always cook far too much for dinner and end up throwing some of it away. It makes me so angry to waste food especially when some people don't have any.

  24. Buy plenty of fruit and if he complains he's still hungry, tell him to have a nice piece of fruit.  That's what I say to my children lol.

  25. gosh just give him some food!!!

    and are you g*y or something??

    bc your avatar is a guy

    but u said "your husband"?!?

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