I am in a relationship and my partner feels I am controlling, which I believe has a certain amount of truth. I have trust issues and suffer from low self esteem, I have been in a controlling friendship/relationship before. I am 21 and my partner is 23 we are having a child together. Tonight my partner is going out with his friends and dispite my issues, which I do not deny, I am doing my best to trust and believe that thats all he is doing, just innocently spending time with friends from work. I have not stopped him going out and tied him down just because I have issues , I dont not wish to controll him. I asked of him that after his night out he came back home in a taxi to me as we are living together and having a child. He however is staying at his friends house. He says this is because he doesn't want to pay £40 for the taxi when he can just stay at his friends and come back the next morning and the spending the money will be a waste of money and we need it for the baby. I just feel that he should come home to me as we are a couple living together and having a child am I wrong to ask this of him? am I still being controlling? or do I have good reason? Advice and opinions will be most appriciated. thanks Mum2be