
Am I stressed or are these symptoms??

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Last week i was having pains in my left ovary. Way more painful than ever. My appetite has been goofy. I'm hungry then im not, then hungry again. b*****s were soar but that feeling went away about a week ago. Everyday this week i've been extremely tired. I'll be at work and just want to fall asleep. I get a fairly good amount of sleep 8-10 hours.

My husband (newly married) just went back to Japan. He is in the military. So it may just be the stress of him leaving. But someone in the health section suggested that it sounded like early prenancy symptoms. It's a little too soon to test.

What do you think?




  1. It could be either one. You can test with a early response one I think 5 days be for your missed period. Or you can take a regular one the first day of your first missed period. The ovary pain could be ovulation and unless you had s*x during that time you most likely aren't and are just stressed and that will throw it off. Good Luck

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