
Am I suppose to feel cramps in my stomach if I am breastfeeding?

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I have heard that your stomach will cramp if you breastfeed because it is your uterus contracting. I was just wondering if I am breastfeeding correctly because I don't feel cramps all the time?




  1. You may not feel the uterus contracting, but it probably is. I didn't feel any cramps most of the time, but I could feel the blood coming down the first few days.  

  2. For about 6-8 wks you might experience the cramping because of the contractions of the uterus but you won't feel them all the time, they are pretty irregular and not really painful just crampy a little.  

  3. you wont feel the constantly, did you feel your cramping uterus every single time it got just a little bigger for your little one, probably not, do not worry you will be fine I am sure your body is doing what its suppose to.

  4. I breastfed all four of mine for 12-14 mos each. It is worst in the beginning and lasts longer with each subsequent child, but once uterus is back to normal you shouldn't feel cramping anymore. Usually during the first week - up to 2 weeks with #3 and #4, etc... Mine was usually just more afterbirth contractions for the first few days, I had more pain after baby #3 and #4. I barely noticed anything after my fisrt. More babies is more work for uterus to get back to normal, but it does!

    I'm sure you're feeling less now because you're back to normal uterine size.

    Kudos for choosing to nurse your baby! It's the best gift you could give your newborn!!! And it makes you less prone to several types of cancer later!  

  5. I am breastfeeding my 11 month old daughter and I stopped feeling the cramps probably 3 days after she was born. You are doing everything right if the baby is having 6-8 wet diapers a day. You should really only feel the cramps for maybe a week.  

  6. yess...normal, shouldnt happen for too long though

  7. After having 4 kids and breast feeding all 4 I have found out that you will not feel the cramps all the time.  Also, once your uterus is back to normal you won't feel it at all

    Hope that helps

  8. its really painful, but well worth it! it's your stomach going trying to get back to normal. it really helps. your midwife should have told you this though. you dont feel it all the time

  9. You don't have to feel them all the time.  That also goes away fairly soon (within the first few weeks, if I remember correctly).  If you're not sure, contact your local la leche league or see if there's a lactation consultant who could come assist you.

  10. That info is correct.

    And no, you wont feel it all the time.  Soon, it will stop all together.

  11. Some people do and some don't. I never felt them early on. If you're really worried talk to your pedi or obgyn. That's why you pay them. ;)

  12. I remember feeling cramps only for the first few days. So I'd say we're the lucky ones. :)  

  13. You feel them in the beginning of breast feeding, right after the baby is born.  They subside as your uterus gets back to its original shape.  Mine lasted a week or so and then I didn't have them any more.  

  14. They say that it's worse with consecutive children...almost like contractions all over again.  I breastfed both of my boys and didn't feel a thing with either one of them.  I can assure you that my boys both breastfed correctly (either that or they plumped up quickly from thin air :)  ).

  15. They say your body and your uterus returns to normal size faster when you breastfeed. You would think your increase milk production would contradict that. Any who, cramps are normal for the first couple days or weeks.

  16. Just because you can't feel them doesn't mean it's not contracting. I felt my uterus shrink, it felt like menstrual cramps. Everyone's different- just how some women experience cramps on their period and others don't.

  17. That is okay actually the cramping will decrease as your uterus returns to normal and in about a week or two you will no longer feel any cramping.

  18. You can feel cramping from your uterus returning to it's original size and shape after the birth of your baby.  Breastfeeding of course makes these cramps more noticeable because it speeds the process.

    If your baby seems content and isn't agitated or hungry all the time then s/he is getting enough to eat.  Baby will let you know if s/he's hungry.

    If you feel like you're not having a successful breastfeeding experience, try using nipple shields, they pull the areola into the wide cone shape and make it easier for your baby to latch, and less painful.

    There is normally a lactation nurse or FNP at the hospital who can help you if you have any other questions or concerns.

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