
Am I taking 2 much medication???Please help ??

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My doctor has had me on zoloft over 3 years and he added this month Cymbalta30 then to 60 And I had another death and he added Trileptal to take with these other medications .I have noticed before I have started the Trileptal I was having rasing thoughts and feeling very hateful and my husband wants me to stop all of the old drugs I have taken like the Zoloft and Cymblta I think Cymblta made me hateful and he wants me to just stop and try the trileptal and I started it today .I don't want on alot of medicines and my husband felt it was way to many mental drugs .But my doctor wants me on all But I am afraid ..So do you agree with my husband try the trileptal and see how I feel without the others ??I know some may say ask your doctor but we all know some dont care how much medicicne you are on ,Scared Help ???




  1. You don't say if your dr is a neurologist or a gp or a phsychiatrist. and you don't say why you are taking the meds. seizures or ?

  2. Holly

    What I would suggest is go a get a second and third opinion from other doctors, don't stick to him only.

    He might've diagnosed you wrong. So, see someone else

    All the best

  3. You should never give anything up instantly, they need to be reduced slowly over a period of time, if you want to cut down you should do it slowly. You don't mention any actual treatment, to help you like counseling or behavior therapy? I found the counseling much more help than anything else, you don't want to be on the drugs forever after all?? good luck. x

  4. sounds like it may be to much. But im not a doctor. I been have medication to and i get worried for the same thing. But you can't take yourself off because that can cause a lot of problems in itself. I suggest going to another doctor for a different opinion. I have run into some bad doctors and so second opinion is always good. And if you feel like you are on to much you need to bring that up to your doctor.  

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