
Am I taking the right classes in High School?!?

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Ok I'll be majoring in medicine,here are my classes.In order listed will be from 9th-12th grade.

Pre AP English1,Pre AP English 2,AP English 3,AP English 4

Pre AP Geometry,Pre AP Algebra 2,Pre AP Pre Calculus,AP Calculus

Pre AP World Geography,Pre AP World History,AP U.S History,AP Govt/Eco

Pre AP Biology,Pre AP Chemistry,Pre AP Physics,AP Biology

Electives:Select Art(1 yr),Latin(2 yrs),Heath Intro,Speech/Food Nutrition

More Classes: Medical Terminology/Mental Health,Medical Microbiology/Patho Physicology,Anatomy and Physiology and I'll be taking for 2 periods for 2 years, Clinical Rotations

So yeah guys, are these good courses I'm taking to prepare me for medical school?




  1. Those are really great classes to take! Also, if your school has an on-site class that lets you work in the field, that would be a great option to try and take. Hope that helps.

  2. Yes, those are good choices for a medical career path. However, I would try out other things, too. If your a freshman this year, you may change your mind about your career within the next four years. Just keep in mind that you have lots of options.

  3. Reasons that they're perfect:

    1. They are all AP classes.

    2. You are taking classes you need for medical school.

    Good job and good luck :)

  4. You will need a lot of science for medicine so it looks like you are on the right track for that.  I would suggest you take as many of those science courses as you can.  Math is usually required, but science is really stressed in medicine.

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