
Am I tall for my age? and will I grow taller??

by  |  earlier

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I'm a year old guy from the Philippines and I stand 168cm. My mum is 5'0 and my dad is only 5'6. Is there any cahnce that I could grow taller?




  1. You will probably peak at 5'9 (175 cm) at the age of 18 when guys usually stop growing.  You did not include your age in the question.

    According to one of your other questions you are 15 years of age so you will probably grow for another 3 years.

  2. Well my son is 14 and he is 6 ft 4, I stand at 5"9 and his dad stands at 5"9 Aswell, So its just random luck :D

  3. there is a chance you will.

    im filipeno and my mom is 5'5 and dad is 5'7.

    while i stand at 5'9 and im only 14

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