
Am I the one that is doing it wrong?? I thought....?

by Guest64012  |  earlier

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I thought that babies under one year were supposed to stay on their bottle. I've been feeding my 9 month old her bottle as well as three meals a day of cereal and stage 2 and 3 foods. However, a friend of mine has a 6-month old and took her completely off the bottle and started her on whole milk, gives her scrambled eggs, baby food, juices, and even ice cream sometimes. When I found this out I was mortified but didn't say anything. Is that really okay to do with a six month old?? Should I still be keeping my 9 month old on a bottle as one of her main sources of nutrition??




  1. I have had all 4 of my kids off the bottle before they were a year old.  Its much more difficult to get them off it the longer you wait...and its bad for their teeth when they come in.

    You can feed formula in a cup.  I started my kids on cows milk at varying months between 9-12 months - but there are no history of allergies in either my DH family or mine so it wasn't a big concern for us.

    Also you will use less and less formula as your baby eats more things.  I suggest trying a new item every 5 days at most...and even after that some kids adapt to eating strained and then solid foods, and some kids take awhile to really take to these new foods.  My nephew was well over a year before he really caught on to solid foods so they kept feeding him formula as recommended by their Doctor.

  2. If her child is 6 months old and she feeds her everything no your right she is way off the chart. You need time indtroducing new things to a baby do to allergies and such. When the childs first tooth comes in you can start taking away the bottle but till then its fine. When my lil bro and sisters started foods stage 1, once in a while we would let them try a l**k of ice cream or something soft like the food they were on. BUT only one new item a week. She is over doing it. To MUCH to SOON. Let the baby be a baby. They do grow up fast as it is why make it soon,.  

  3. You are absolutely spot on and your friend is wrong I'm afraid.Cow's milk shouldn't be introduced to a baby ( as a main drink ) until at least 1 yr old.....what she's doing is quite dangerous, her little one's body isn't mature enough to handle all that.Obviously, your little one should be having solids and their milk....but absolutely not cow's milk.I hope her little one is okay I really do xx

  4. you are doing it right.  after breastmilk, infant formula is the most complete nutrition for a baby.  giving whole milk before one year can cause all kinds of problems... anemia, constipation, allergies, intestinal bleeding, diabetes... and it's not a very good mix of nutrients for a baby. says you shouldn't give a child cow's milk ever.

  5. What does your baby's doctor say to do?

    When my daughter was a baby, her doctor said no solids until 6 months, continue the formula until her first birthday, and no eggs or milk until her birthday.

    She has her own 21-month-old now.  His pediatrician said formula until his first birthday.  Solids between 4 and 6 months, introduced one at a time.  No eggs or milk until his first birthday, and no nuts or related products and no fish or seafood until his second birthday (family history of severe nut and seafood allergies, so this is an extra precaution).

    Do what your doctor says is best for your baby and ignore what your friend is doing.  She's just as entitled to ignore her doctor's recommendations are you are to follow yours.  You can't stop her, but you can stop judging yourself based on what you see her do.

  6. Yes keep up with what you are doing. I don't even think babies that young are supposed to have eggs cause they can develop allergies. My daughter didn't start regular milk until she turned One with the advice from her pediatrician.

  7. YIKES!  Not sure why you're friend is rushing to feed her little one all that food.  Her little tummy isn't ready for all that plus up until about 12 months babies MUST get most of their nutrients from breastmilk or formula otherwise they won't get all the nutrients they need.  

    Anyway, YOU are doing the right thing, keep going mamma!

  8. yes and a baby that young shouldnt be on whole milk, she can eat the foods if she is able to, but the formula is very good for a baby. no offence your friend is a fikkin idiot! i hope she tells her doctor, so they can correct her horrible mistake!

  9. You should keep them on the bottle! I did my son anyway! It helps them get more nutrients and a healthier baby is important! Your friend is crazy!

  10. You are doing it totally right.  The way your friend is feeding her 6month old is linked with childhood obeseity.  A 6month olds inside are not developed enough to process all those foods properly - especially ice cream.  Even when they are 1, most ppl tend to still give them a bottle of cows milk. xx

  11. my son is 10months old tomorrow and he no longer has baby milk for the fact he will not drink it he now has cows milk dr said that is fine they just don't advise it as a lot of children get allergy but mine did not so he is fine he eats everything i eat and he is very healthy it is up to you as a parent what you think is right if your baby like baby milk then thats fine

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