
Am I the only African American NOT voting for Obama?

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All my friends and family ridicule me because I am not voting for Obama. They all say I am turning my back on my race. Voting for a president should have nothing to do with race. All though I would love to see an African American president I will NOT abandon my beliefs to make it happen. Obama is just not the right guy for the job. My question is, just because I am black but I'm not voting for a black guy why do I get so much hate from other black people? And why do you feel that if you are black you must vote for the black guy? Or why do you fell that if you're a Democrat you must vote Democrat, or if you're Republican you must vote Republican? I'm not trying to be rude I just want to know.




  1. No. Many blacks are very conservative in their religious beliefs and cannot support Obama, whom is pro-choice.

    Get out of your neighborhood and meet new people.

  2. Good, go against the flow. Hippes are LIBERAL, so don't listen to go with the flow c**p.

    Yes an OVERWHELMING majority of Blacks vote for Obama. Most blacks do vote for Democrats, but just because Obama is half black, thy all vote for him. Minorities love Obama. The 5% who don't are very conservative and listen to what their spiritual leader says. I appericiate the fact you listen to issues before anything else. Keep it up, and don't let anyone change your mind

  3. LOL; you like McCain then vote for him. I'm green, I'm voting for the green party.

  4. You make good points.  I believe you are not alone.  Only 95% of blacks are voting for Obama.

    Plus I have personally heard a few like your self.

  5. Yay you and your convictions!  Im certain there must be quite a few African-Americans who are voting for him to support their race.  These are the same folks who idolize Jesse Jackson too in my mind.

    My father in law votes dem no matter who it is on the ticket.  I dont understand that either.

  6. You should vote for who you want to, I will be voting for who is best for me as well.

  7. I am white and I agree with you. The skin color of a person should not be a reason to vote for someone. I would love to see African-

    Americans rise to the top of government but only if they are competent. I am sorry but McCain-Palin don't turn my crank.

  8. Back in the 96 I  voted for Bill Clinton instead of Al Sharpton and nobody batted an eye.

    In fact I know a lot of "black people" that voted for Clinton, the "white guy" over Sharpton, the "black guy".

    That proves to me that it has nothing to do with race.

    Maybe your family is just weird.

  9. didn't Obama turn his back on his other race also? since his campaign??

  10. I guess you missed the RNC last night. There were 2 African American speakers who RIPPED Obama. This was on PBS before Mayor Guiliani & Gov. Hotness gave their speeches. She is SO hot.

  11. I don't really understand. I'm voting for a woman's right to choose and the economy. Also I don't think 4 more yrs of Bush is a good thing. You can vote for whomever you want. You could have just kept it to yourself, that's why there is a booth so no one has to know.

  12. no this black lad on BET isnt, And some are voting 4 the latino on the Green party,but your still turning your back on your race. Even Though its supposed to be about the issues.

  13. no your not. but he's mostly white. hes only partially black.

  14. You don't.  Vote your conscience.  I'm Democrat and I've crossed party lines in particular elections.  This one I'm definitely not, but I have depending on the candidates.  It's actually the voters that never cross party lines or speak logic that scare me the most.

  15. good question. I'm not black so I can't answer the part about being black but I can answer the part about the parties. I'm a registered Democrat but I am voting Republican so I don't feel I need to stick with my party. But some people believe that there way is the only way and they won't switch sides.

    By the way I applaud you for thinking for yourself and not letting your friends and family influence your beliefs and your vote.

  16. Just a warning... you will get ridiculed here, too.  The Obamabots can't take it when people refuse to worship at the idol of Obama.

  17. No, you are not the only black person not voting for Obama.  I am bi-racial.  I agree Obama is not the right man for the job.  Maybe it is "time" for a black candidate, but not THIS black candidate.  The Democrat party got so tickled with themselves and so enamored with the idea of nominating a black man, they forgot to look at the person they were selecting.  They have overlooked so many other fine, moral, qualified black men so many times before, and finally pick the first rattle out of the box, simply because they think this election is going to be a shoo-in for them and they can "make history".  I find I can no longer be part of their grandstanding plans, which have nothing at all to do with the values and ideals the Democratic party USED to stand for.

    In my black community, there is a great deal of agreement to what I have expressed here.  So many of us have chosen to throw our support to McCain; most of us for the first time in our lives.  But, then again, I live in a small community.  Our values have always been church and family oriented.  Much closer to the "family values" the Palins are being ridiculed for.

    Does not mean that we are religious fundamentalists.  It surprises me that many people on this site have no concept of what family values are, except what they hear.  Have they never encountered family values?  Did their families have NO values?

    I can see, though, where you would encounter animosity from some blacks.  I get it all the time as a bi-racial.  Many times, if I have identified myself as anything except black, I have been accused of trying to "pass".  Strange I never get that from the white community.

    I applaud your intelligence to investigate, learn, and decide for yourself.  I refuse to be led.  I am glad you also refuse.

  18. I guess you can join Clarance Thomas. And your vote should be based on your political agenda as you say, not race. But I find that your agenda leaves something to be desired.

  19. Nope.  You and Lynn Swan - famed Steelers wide receiver and mulitple Super Bowl winner.  Perhaps McCain will pull off the "Immaculate ELECTION"?!!!

    Anyway, consider yourself in good company!!!

  20. If you are voting for McCain because you think that he can better serve your interests and the interests of this country, it does not matter what color he is.  if you are voting for him to go againist the grain of your family then that's just not smart.  

  21. things should NEVER be about race but unfortanetly some ppl cant get this out of their head. but my nana and grandma are voting for mccain and nobody in my family can convince them otherwise! stick to your beliefs. thats what america is about.

  22. Voting for someone because of race would be a slap in the face to those who have sacrificed for your right to vote. Vote because of your beliefs and the integrity you wish and believe America should hold and not according to the mindlessness brought about by media.

  23. I wouldn't think you were.  Most black people have never not voted because a candidate was white, why would you think its racially motivated now?

  24. I'd like to think that it has nothing to do with race as it really shouldn't as you say, but with Obama getting 90% of the African American vote I really have to question the motive of some voters.

  25. I'm a white female, and I switched parties just so I could vote for Obama in the primaries.  Now that more time has passed, I see him for who he really is and will not be voting for him.  Like you, I would love to someday see a President who is black, or female, or asian, etc.  But not if it's not the right person.  I will never vote for or against anybody based on race, religion or gender.  

  26. Vote your own conscience, Its not about black and white or Democrat and Republican its about ideals, If the Republican party had the same ideals it had in the days of Lincoln, the majority of black Americans would be voting for the candidate of the Republican party..Personally I think an African american voting for McCain is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders....But you vote your conscience, that's your right......

  27. You can be proud that you are standing on your own feet. You don't need anybody telling you how you should vote or what party you should support. You are a free agent and a free thinker.

  28. Be true to yourself Robert. Too many African-American delegates were coerced into supporting Obama in the primaries. If more people had stood up and voted their mind and not their heart (or in this case, their skin), Obama wouldn't even be in this race.

  29. Well... I'm sure you're not because I don't think every black American is a sheep who falls in line like that.  

    I'm a Republican, and I will vote Republican, because I don't believe in the Democratic party's goals or positions.  Since I don't think either candidate is anything more than a puppet for their party, and that they'll say "Well, America voted in a Democrat, so they must want me to vote along Democratic lines..." my vote goes to the Republican party and whatever puppet they put up.

  30. You're doing the right thing by following your political conviction. Don't listen to them.

  31. You are a rational human being capable of making your own informed decision. And no, if you watched the Republican Convention, there were people of all ages, races etc. there, cheering!

    Dang! my thumbs up and down button isn't working again.

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