
Am I the only Yank that eats mayo on his chips.?

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Instead of ketchup? By 'chips' I mean french fries, the kiwi's call them chips.




  1. No, I know a few people who do.  But you're probably the only Yank who calls himself a Yank.  We don't use that term in this country.

  2. yes

  3. In Canada we call them chips as well.  French fries if they are cut evenly.  I use vinegar on mine, preferably malt.  I was at a fish and chip shop recently, and they served sweet potato chips. mmmmm good.  They served mayonaise with them.  Macdonalds also serve a choice of ketchup or mayo.  I am in western Canada, Victoria (Sidney) BC.  How come you are a Yank but call them what the kiwi's call them?  Actually as I re-read you query, I should not have answered it as I am not a Yank.

  4. French fries and mayo? That's popular in Belgium, Amsterdam, etc. (Frite sauce I think it's called.)

  5. you're clearly living abroad to have phrased the question this way...and no, but i do prefer loads of ketchup.

  6. I don't like to eat fries with sauces. The fries are already flavored.

  7. It is very good, I like to sprinkle a little cajun seasoning on the mayo.

  8. So that's what they're calling the fatties nowadays? Yanks?

  9. I've never tried that! Sounds gross, but I'd like to try it, interesting!

  10. I'm sure you aren't...I knew someone in middle school that had mustard with her fries, though.

  11. i love to do that.. it grosses out all my friends, and tastes delish..

  12. I do that, but I'm not a yank

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