
Am I the only crazy one around here?

by  |  earlier

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I went to give my daughter her reflux medication with her 3pm feed and realized that she had none left. (The bottle is very heavy and it's deceiving how much is left) After I fed her I proceeded to jump in the car with both kids and drove to 4 different chemists which were all closed due to it being a public holiday. I then ran into ASDA cos it was closing in 2 minutes and ran to the aisle it's kept in. So when I couldn't find it I asked a staff member and when she couldn't find it I just started crying in the middle of the shop saying my daughter was going to choke on her own vomit now and she wouldn't be able to breathe etc etc. I'm sure I looked like some sort of crazy woman. I just lost all sense of reality. Have you ever done anything like that or am I the only crazy one around here?




  1. You're not the only one, not by a long shot!  Those darn hormones, they make it really difficult to keep calm sometimes!!  I'm glad everything worked out, though. :)

  2. You were stressed and in "Mama Bear" mode.....we've all been there....

  3. you sound like a single parent - totally normal

    take care

  4. Poor mommy. I guess things got a bit too much for you.

    Thank god they found you some in the end :)

    Anyway, get a baby sitter for a few hours and let your partner take you out somewhere nice. It sounds like you need a bit of a break and some 'me' time.

    Good luck!

  5. I am glad to know that I am not the one who experiences occasional public displays of typical emotional mom-craziness!

    One particular incident that comes to mind is when I had a breakdown in front of a nurse at the hospital where my son was admitted due to a kidney infection. One minute I was talking rationally and calmly to her about my son's care, the next minute I was bawling and babbling about babies dying and other crazy stuff. At one point she said "Oh, this must be your first baby." No, it is my fourth baby. Even though I know it was justified given the circumstances, I still felt like a complete moron.

    And I think I would have done something similiar in your situation.

  6. I'm not sure I've ever done anything like that.

    But for future reference, your child will probably not spit up more from not having her reflux medication.  Most medications they use for reflux are simply acid blockers (like Zantac and Prilosec), they do nothing to stop the spitting up.  They just reduce the acid so it's less irritating to the esophagus when it's coming back up.

    There is another medication sometimes used called Reglan, and that doesn't stop spitting up either, it is supposed to make the food digested quicker.  My daughter was on it and had bad side effects.  Didn't work either.  

    Reflux is a mechanical problem.  There are no medications to try to make the valve work properly or grow to the right size, it just happens with time.  The medications they prescribe are usually just to protect the esophagus until they outfrow the reflux.

    BTW, wasn't being a smart ***, I was just letting you know about reflux so maybe next time you won't have a panic attack when she runs out.

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