
Am I the only female who doesn't ...?

by  |  earlier

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Am I the only female that does NOT

1) Like/want children


2) Want larger b*****s/buttlock

I mean, every where I turn, a girl's saying how they wish they were a stick with two basketballs balanced on top, and/or how they wish for ten children etc. -_-"




  1. No, me too. I don't want children, and I'm happy with my appearance.

  2. 1.) I don't want children...not yet. But, my fiance does. He wants five kids. He can have them if he pops 'em all out on his own.

    2.) I don't think I could take anymore breast. It hurts going up and down stairs. :( Buying a bra would be awful too...

    Who wants a larger butt?

  3. I know plenty of people who dont want kids.

  4. youre not the only one. my b***s are big enought and but? no. i do want billions of kids tho...

  5. No :-)

    Having big b*****s sounds horrendous, how do these women run/play sports? And why the h**l would you want a big butt? Weird.

  6. No, you aren't.

    I wouldn't mind having a child, maybe in ten years when I am 30. Maybe past 30, because I might wait that long until I marry someone.

    Larger b*****s. h**l no. I went from a C to a D in the past year and if I lose weight and they still are large, I want them reduced. My friends say I'm crazy, but they don't deal with bras hurting my shoulders and back... and the fact that the b***s are one of the things that guys find attractive right off the bat. Another thing is... after having large b***s since high school, I don't find them attractive.

  7. No

    1. I don't want kids

    2. don't want larger breast or butt

  8. No you are not the only female who doesn't want children, nor are you the only one who doesn't want water balloons for boobies. :)

  9. It is possible you are not if the film Saving Face  is any indication.

    There is one woman of a pair there who is asked by her mother when she is going to have a child. She has no interest in that for the reason she is a L*****n. This  is an example of such women.  There are also men who dislike children and they usually leave  if they find out their partner wants children. Then there are the women Revolutionaries for which Revolution is all. Women who have abortions.  Medea in the Greek Tradgediesshe chopped up children.  Cannibals which include women and men. If question not  sarcasm.  Soldiers,  Women, Psychopaths who revel in killing it excites them. Women assassins. Women who torture.,Academic types , and Women who have shops at least some women. Also women pilots in bombers  over countries at war. In wars no one likes children as children are killed by bombs.

  10. Things like that is what makes me wonder if there isn't something missing in the female psyche because they're willing to go along with the stupidest fads, no mater how detrimental to their health just to be considered "beautiful."

  11. NO

    Some are just their own person - not a baby machine nor a would be celebrity.

  12. Nope.  

    I really couldn't care all that much less about either at this point, and I'm in my mid 20's when I gather that's supposed to be mattering to me.  Hmm.  I like dogs better than kids, and I'm pretty sure I could find something much cooler to invest a lot of money in.

  13. No, you're not the only one. Just be yourself, & it'll all work out fine.

  14. i dont want children.

    and i dont want larger b***s.


  15. I do not like children, little ones especially. They always get on my nerves!

    And I do not want larger b*****s, as it hurts when you jump without a bra already! I find have a big buttocks annoying in a way.

    I am happy the way I am, with small bust line and buttocks.  

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