
Am I the only guy that...?

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finds both men and women attractive but not equally?...I thought I was bisexual but I realized that I like girls more then guys. Even though I like to look at other good looking guys out there in a way that only people from different sexes look to each other...but I would never ever have sexual relations with a man I think it's really disgusting but that just how I am.

So what's the definition for someone like me? Am I still bi'?




  1. men and women are attractive people it's your sexual desire to be in bed with them that determines your sexuality in my opinion...but it seems to me that you're just straight and find other guys attractive...there's nothing wrong with that it is what it is...but if you have thoughts of sleeping with them then you'd probably be g*y.

  2. Being bisexual doesn't have to be a 50/50 attraction. It could be 90/10 and you'd still be bi. I'm bisexual but I'm more attracted to guys then girls.

  3. nope, you're a human being!

    being able appreciate the human form in both sexes doesn't NECESSARILY have anything to do with sexuality.

    i can appreciate the beauty of an attractive woman's body without feeling a physical attraction.

  4. No, you're not bi. If you were, you would want to have s*x with both men and women.

  5. If you find the idea of having s*x with a man disgusting, then you are not bi. that really should have been obvious. In this doesn't really seem like a real question.

  6. Sounds like you are having a man crush.

    That can be physically liking the way a guy looks, usually because you want to be that way yourself. In shape, muscles, looks, etc.

    It can also be materialistic. Tons of straight guys want what another guy has and then they get a crush on him because he "has it all." This can be his car, girlfriend/wife, motorcycle, boat, personal freedom, man cave, guns, trophies, etc.

    Or ... you could be in the way deep closet and repressing some feelings.  

  7. I would say your bi, but your just in denail about the same s*x part because of society.

  8. A "bi" person is sexually attracted to both sexes, if you just appreciate a good looking guy than you are just normal. I'm g*y and I appreciate good lookiing guys and girls. But i will only be with a guy.

  9. Who the h**l knows, really?

    I'm guessing you might not find it quite so disgusting if you were actually in a spot where it was happening. It's funny how life works sometimes, and it's amazing what our brain can tell us that gets over ridden by our heart or some other sensitive part of our anatomy.

    I will say that I believe more people are bi than ever admit to it, either to themselves or to others. Do what you must, and don't worry too much. Don't limit yourself too much either.

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