
Am I the only one here who doesn't watch the Olympics?

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I just find watching sports outrageously boring, so I don't watch them. Is there anyone else who doesn't watch them? When are the Olympics over? I am tired of seeing tons of stories about the Olympics, and hearing about it on the radio.




  1. why would you come to the board if you wasn't watching the Olympics?

  2. i am so sick of the olympics, i am not getting money from it, so i don't care about watching it . and who the h**l is Micheal Finley

  3. i'm assuming you're canadian?

  4. yep....

  5. I haven't watched one second of the Olympics :D

  6. I never watch sports, but I am obsessed with the Olympics right now. Just the fact that these people have been working for years and years to get to this level of competition, and to see their dreams come true or be shattered in front of the whole world is for some reason appealing. I guess it's the whole 'one world united' thing, even if it's only an image, but for the most part it's really cool.

  7. We care so much.

  8. If you are a male and do not find sports exciting, YOU ARE NOT A MAN, YOU FCUKING PUNJABI SACK OF INDIAN p**s

  9. I don't know whether I should feel guilty about it or not,but I'm not interested at all in watching the Olympics,and sports events in general.;...

  10. yes  

  11. No, there are millions of others who wanted to watch it but couldn't because they don't have access. Consider youself lucky dude.

  12. No, I haven't watched any of these games so far.  I just respond to news that appears after the fact.

    Now, the Winter Games in Vancouver in 2010 - now THAT I will be watching 24/7.

  13. Well yes....especially when you are posing the question in this forum.

  14. I don't watch them either. I'd rather be watching something that isin't boring personally. And hopefully they will be over Very soon.  

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