
Am I the only one on the planet that knows 9/11 was not a govt engineered conspiracy?

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Dean c- there are so many holes in loosechange and zeigeist that you can drive a truck through it.




  1. All I ever read is conspire this, conspire that. Everyone blaming everyone even Congress is in the act.

    Nobody really wants to know the Forbidden Truth Congress fears the Truth more the Mythological Renegade born terrorist. Yet we would count on Saudi Arabia, the Kingdom off many dangers of Oil and Koran, as acknolwdged by Cheney himself 2001.

    Now, if Congress had the sacks to demand an explanation of Laili Helms and  Christina Rocca and their relation to the CIA.

  2. You must have information we don't.  The FBI never even tried to prove Bin Laden guilty.  

    Where is your proof?

    Where is the evidence to support the idea that the govt. did NOT have involvement?

    I'm waiting.....

    EDIT:  And I see your reply to dean c....  I guess you haven't read the 9/11 Commission Report have you?  If you want to talk about holes, see that fictitious novel.

  3. Nope, but most of us don't think it does any good to argue with them.  They have long stopped accepting the facts, they don't want those pesky little facts to inhibit their ridiculous opinions.  If logic doesn't work, what is left?  Don't worry, the vast majority agrees with you.

  4. apperantly not

    but if you actually watch loose change or zeitgeist..

    you gotta have some questions.......

    you cant take what this government tells you as truth

    they have been lying for 8 years +

  5. I will only say one thing here my friend!

    You say that you Know!!!

    That is very interesting!

    I mean believing is no thing!

    Thinking is another!

    But trully Knowing! now that must make you are true Gnostic!!!

    How can you or any other person claim to to know a fact based on the criticism of other information!

    You can say that this piece in this bit is wrong!

    For example lets look at this site here

    I have chosen this part only as an example! now if you read the first part, ignoring the sarcasm! the writer claims that "I have yet to see this elusive steel cutting technique used to cut a vertical column." But the Debunker also state that this is the result of the very thing that the writer is denying could happen!!

    And of course these devices exist and have been used for many years!

    Just do the research!

    So it is easy to find whole, but knowing the truth well that is really impressive.

    I will not comment on suspended accounts, other than, Yahoo is not being controlled by Zionists, they don't worry about things like this!!!

    They leaves the mass to scrap among themselves!

    But the system does record a lot of activity and if one does certain things 'like' over reporting that user ID will be noted and will receive negative points, when the balance tips the account get suspend!

    Ironic really, people think that it is only when enough Q and A's get report they are suspended.

    We sadly have a reporter war going on here and it is the ignorance of the user which feeds the fire, as people get suspended for over false reporting they come back and report more q's as a vendetta!

    And then they get suspended again!

      So people if you want to keep your accounts be good citizens!

  6. There are those individuals who see a government plot behind every tree, they have too much time on their hands and are excessively paranoid.

    The responsibility that our government does have in the 9/11 situation was meddling constantly in the affairs of other countries.

    Noone appointed our government the policemen of the world, it's not in the Constitution for our government to dictate the policies of other countries, and no wonder the USA is so hated throughout the world.

    Perhaps some changes in policy--as well as the actual people in the government--are needed to bring reality back to a government that doesn't care about the American people anymore, except as a bottomless source of money for them to squander.

    Some idiots are trying to say that the US government blew up the Trade Center, which is just about as stupid as you can get, when there was live TV showing the planes crashing into the towers.


    The towers collapsed the way they did because structurally they were built differently than most skyscrapers.     However they were built, of course they would have collapsed after the fires melted and weakened

    the supporting structure--that happens also in small structure fires.

  7. If you think that you are the only one who believes that, you really have to change to people you hang with.

  8. Evidence?

    ... A lack of inclination to avail yourself of independent research, or to apply logic, is not considered evidence!

    There IS however plenty of publicly available evidence to prove that:

    1.  The public was lied to repeatedly about the reasons for war... why?

    (it even made up the PR before the intel rationale was fabricated:

    2.  So, intel was fabricated and manipulated... why?

    3.  Both wars 'resulting from 9-11' were planned years in advance of 9-11... why?

    4.  You can't possibly 'fit' airliner damage with the damage at the Pentagon... why?

    5.  The US government was informed from multiple sources in advance about 9-11, method, date, time, but it sent hands off orders to investigating FBI agents... why?

    6.  Images of the beams at ground zero very clearly show melting and cutting by thermite, not twisting or fracture of lower beams... why?

    7.  Pentagon 'video evidence' has never been released... why?

    8.  The 9-11 'commission' chose to disregard key evidence and not to chase the money trail (admitted by its own members)... why?

    9.  The commission itself was hugely underfunded compared to the Clinton cigar investigation... why?

    10. There was no investigation whatsoever into the 'coincidental' counter terror exercise playing out the exact same hijack/crash scenario, same time, same place... why?

    So, either a lot of ex-US government officials and senior military and intel people are now lying over this incredibly important incident, making themselves look very stupid and tarnishing years of loyal service to the US people, questioning the official version (WHY?)... or, something else is going on.*

    *Not to mention a former Italian Prime Minister, former German foreign minister, ex-UK government minister, ex US generals, admirals, Whitehouse intel briefers, 9-11 commission staffers, FBI, CIA... you want me to go on?  Do you claim to have the loyalty, never mind training or expertise to question these people... ?

    IF you can make sense of all the above without being intrigued in any way about it, fine.  If not I suggest you take a close look at the Mike Ruppert videos (an ex cop, a great investigator, a great presenter, a man of huge bravery and unimpeachable integrity)... then see if you can take a 'trip to the dark side' in the face of unremitting logic and cross referenced evidence - and keep your prejudices intact.

    ... it depends how important the truth is to you, or how important it is for you to defend your governments position, because it makes you feel like a good, loyal, patriotic citizen - but don't make the assumption that people asking such questions are less patriotic, less capable, or less highly motivated than yourself, that would be an error.

    Now, look at those videos and ask yourself, "am I still sure I believe the governments explanation 100%?  Do I believe the politicians, who have been dishonest throughout, or the government experts and service personnel who have spoken out in spite of huge media manipulation".

  9. I think you're question just attracted the conspiracyy theorists who have pre prepared answers and links. Its not worth discussing it with these people as they tend to ignore any evidence that disproves their theories and bend facts to match any half-assed suggestion that they hear.

    Think of them as really enthusiastic collectors of lies that wont hear anything bad said about their collection.

    A government conspiracy to destroy the twin towers. Ha!

  10. How do you "know?"

    If you have some exclusive evidence that fills in the holes left by the 9/11 commission and NIST reports, and proves THEIR conspiracy theory, then by all means, out with it!!! There are a whole lot of family members, architects and first-responders who I'm sure would be eager to hear your explanation.

    Until then, quit your constant complaining about other people asking perfectly legitimate questions. They have every right, just like you have every right not to listen.

    Don't worry, there are still about 48 million Americans who agree with your position, and have NO questions whatsoever about the official story. That's 16%.

    36% believe that 9/11 was engineered, or at least allowed to happen, by criminal elements, some within our own government. That's about 108 million.

    84% have unanswered questions about the official story, and would support an independent investigation. That's about 252 million.

    Those numbers are over 1 year old. You are a member of a rapidly shrinking minority.

  11. There are holes in both sides of the story.  Doesn't that make you wonder when no one knows what really happened?  I just have one question for you.  Why did it take 3 years to investigate?  Find me any other attack on this nation that follows that pattern.  Then tell me why the first person to lead the 9-11 investigation is wanted in over 100 countries for war crimes.  An international criminal was the first lead investigator in the 9-11 commission.  Hello!!!!!!!!!!  Red Flag!!!!!!!!!  somethings not right.  Ever heard of information warfare?  Telling both sides of the story and purposfully saying incorrect things for both arguements to keep the arguement going and divide a nation.  United we stand divided we fall.  Not very united if we can't even decide who attacked us huh?  Simple minds like simple answers I guess.  There are so many incorrect things said for both sides.  I choose the middle.  I think it was an outside group that attacked us but it was planeed by rogue officials in our government.  It's the only thing that makes sense.  "Using the unbalanced minds of passionate people to carry out our objectives through them."  Everything that is happening now was predicted by the founders of the Constitution, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln and JFK.  This is a process to destroy our nation that was started over 100 years ago.  Go ahead keep marching to the beat of those who wish you harm.  Simpletons.  This country was set so perfectly it can ONLY be destroyed from within.  We are falling because we cannot agree on a solution.  Why?  Because the solution is a mixture of most opinions on how to fix it.  Not one or the other.  ie.  Oil and energy crisis.  Obama wants to drill Mccain does not, he wants alternative energy.  Paris Hilton had the right idea by DOING BOTH.  I can't believe I live in a world with so many ignorant people who think they know it all.  You do not KNOW 9-11 wasn't an inside job because you were not there.  Just like truthers do not KNOW that it was an inside job for the same reason.  All you have is opinions.  Very wrong opinions.  It was a combination of the 2.  People in our government BENEFIT from this, why would they not want to set it up and allow it to happen?  People hate us, why would they not want to attack us?  There is your answer.  It was both.  Wake up and grow up.

  12. Definitely not although I doubt the conspiracy theorists would believe you!

  13. Yes you have distance yourself a bit from the brainwashed folk you hang around.  The only way you can really develop as an indepentant thinker is to search out people who question things and do their own research.  Don't hang arround people who have been programmed and will give you answers, seek people who give you questions.   Is it far fetehed to believe the government had something to do with 9/11?  Do you think its about care or profit?  

    Do you know that the Brittish government backed the Duke of Sutherlands plans of a higlands clearout in Scotland a while back?  It was called the highland clearences, clear out the population and replace them with sheep which were more profitable.  Thousands of Scots were driven from their home land to America, Canada and Austrailia.  But people seem to forget these government horific crimes.

    Good sites to get info from

    As for Trish S who answered your question using Princess Dianna - you really need to switch of the t.v. and stop reading the newspapers because its all brainwashing.  That seems to be where you get all your knowledge and information.  Rupert Murdoch owns 160 newspapers, many tv channels including sky and all news programmes, (they are not called PROGRAMMES for nothing) he also own a Hollywood studio. George Orwell used to work for the BBC, where do you think he got his ideas for 1984? Don't buy newspapers and switch the tv off! Research your own information on the web.

    The Brittish Government planned to assinate President Gadafi by following his mecides into a tunnel where there would be no witnesess and drive in front of his car and flash his windscreen with a powerful lazor completely blinding the driver so that it would crash into a piller.  This plan was scrapped when ex MI5 agent David Shayler exsposed the plan and he was sent to prision for it!

    But hey they never gave up using the plan for someone else... Princess Dianna,  the driver of the white Fiat car that was alledged to be involved in the accident was found dead with a bullit in his head in the South of France. But he you won't see any of this on mainstreem media.   Do you really think that the Royal Blood tree would have allowed her to have a muslim baby?  And she was too powerful and adversory against the use of land mines.  Who is the main manufactures of land mines...... the UK, and you believe that it was an accident......sleep on.

  14. No, I also know it.

  15. you're probably the only one that doesn't believe it was

  16. Why do you listen to them sad lunatics , the more they irritate you the more satisfaction they get ignore the stupid twats there are only one or two of them at any rate .

  17. How do you know?

  18. The government did know something was going to happen, but they did not no the exact date, nor were they the one's who engineered it.  

  19. No, it would have to involved so many people, the conspiracies are a farce.

    I tend not to answer these questions as it is bloody obvious it was not.

    bush like balir & brown could not organise a p**s up in a brewery!

  20. throw down your patriot argument for a minute and consider the facts.

    or,at least the official account.

    you'll find that it doesn't add up ....and there are pilots,engineers,architects,former high ranking politicians and even witnesses who are dissenting.

    so,are they all nuts ?

    for me it hangs on the pentagon story.if that's easily identifiable as BS then how much of the rest is as true as they say it is ?

    i don't have all the answers but i know from my own heart that i'm a disbeleiver in the party line.

  21. In order to believe that 9/11

    was the work of 19 radical Arabs

    armed with box cutters,

    you have to believe that a LOT

    of unprecedented and implausible events just happened

    and on the same day....

  22. You 'know' ? Next you'll be telling us that Princess Diana wasn't murdered.................

  23. No, most people in America know it but the crazies are more vocal and get more press exposure.  Keep in mind, the news is going to print and air ideas that are uncommon, not the ones that are common.  Knowing that 9/11 was not a government conspiracy is not news.

  24. No. There are plenty of your zionist dis-info brethren (especially here on jew owned and operated Yahoo) who are desperately trying to cover up the Mossad false flag operation that took place on 9/11 just like you do here everyday.

  25. No.

  26. Nope, haven't believed it either, too many holes in the conspiracy.

  27. I suppose you also think that we 'liberated' Iraq from the big bad terrorist Saddam Hussein who was also involved in 9/11? He wasn't involved. If this war was to avenge 9/11, then what the h**l are we doing in Iraq, and why is Iran next? Sure Saddam was a dirt bag, but he never killed a million Iraqi's as we have in tearing down their nation, and creating a welfare state.

    The CFR needed, and created a 'Pearl Harbor" with the Twin Towers, to start this war in the interest of the next stage of the New World Order.

    The Global economy won't work when some countries won't play along. This is not a war on terrorism, but a mission of conquest.

    Other things that don't add up...

    9/11/91 was the date that George H W Bush gave a strong New World Order speech. 10 years to the day the towers fell...coincidence?

    There has not been another attack on US soil since 9/11. Since 9/11, we have declared war on two countries who "sponsor" terrorism. We have a virtually open Mexican border of which they could smuggle in almost any weapon they have, yet they haven't.

    The Patriot Act is a evil joke, and aimed at the American people...It has no teeth in stopping terrorism. A terrorist could shoot the plane your on right out of the sky with a stinger missile, a block from almost any airport, and drive away if they wanted to. It would be that effing easy for them to attack us, and our 'gaurded' planes, much less other targets.

    If you did any research on who and what the Federal Reserve, CFR, and NWO are,what they have control of, and what their goal is, it would make much more sense to you.

  28. Perhaps not a government engineered conspiracy, but I firmly believe they knew something was going to happen.

    As for Zeigeist and loosechange having holes in them, I could say the same thing about the government report.

  29. You do go on. But yes you are the only one who has been brainwashed.

  30. Why have your read the government files, I don't think so.  

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