
Am I the only one that doesn't like Tiger Woods?

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Am I the only one that doesn't like Tiger Woods?




  1. My mother doesn't like him. She thinks he takes everything too seriously, and is too hard on himself when he screws up. But I love the guy. I don't see what's not to like about him. He's amazing, on and off the course.

  2. Probably, why though, what's your problem with him.

  3. No way!  I'm sure there are many people out there who don't like him....many dangerous people, too!  I'm sure that he's received his share of death threats.   I don't think that it's easy being Tiger Woods.

  4. There are alot of people who don't like Tiger personally.. He is very arrogant and has said and done some very arrogant things in his days, BUT you have to admire his ability and drive to be the best. That's what makes a true athlete and that needs to be admired..

    I once witnessed his refusal to sign autographs to kids outside a course here in Endicott NY where he played in a tournament.. He was rude to the kids and simply jumped in his car a sped off.  I understand that maybe it was a bad time for him BUT he is a product of the fans and especially a hero to the youth.. This lost my respect for him as a human BUT not a golfer.

  5. I would guess not.  

    I think he's an amazing golfer.  I like him,  he's great for the game.

  6. If there's anything not to like about him, it's that he doesn't seem to be having any fun on the course.

  7. Probably not

  8. There are several people who dislike Tiger.  You dont even have to look further than his fellow competitors on the tour...  Vijay, Ian Poulter, Daly, ...etc  all dislike Tiger.  In Tiger's defense, Vijay doesn't like anyone, poulter is a jerk in general, and Daly is on a totally different planet.  Tiger is actuallly very arrogant to the media.  If you actually listen to what he says sometimes, he has a major god complex.  However, he does deserve to have that complex.  As a golfer, he has good morals, and he rarely throws tantrums like Serg...  As a person, he has done alot for charity and the less fortunate, but he has very little respect for his competitors and I think if you took a poll of the tour players, about 65% would say they dislike Tiger woods.  They all respect him though.

  9. No I am sure others don't like him as they are jealous.

    I think he is an incredible athlete.

    I love Tiger Woods.

    & Paula Creamer shes awesome! =P

  10. my hubby doesnt like him haha.... before he became famous... my hubby played against him in a golf tourny...

  11. No, I'm sure that out of our population of over 300 million people, there are a few others.

  12. I'm sure you are not alone.  Judging by the other answers you are not.  There is no law that says everybody has to like everybody.

  13. yes you are the only one, do you have any idea how legendary Mr woods is? you need to check on his history. the guy is not famous for his name, he's famous for his acheivements.

  14. Of course you are not the only one.  I have tried to like him, but given up.  I think his etiquette on the golf course is terrible and he is a bad role model for kids.  

    He often does not have the basic courtesy to wait for his opponents to finish the hole before he stomps off to the next tee.  That is unbelievably unsporting and it is basic etiquette any golfer should have.  It is a bad example to set for young golfers that watch him on TV.

  15. Yes! He's the best ever.

  16. What's not to like?  He's the best, a gentleman, charitable and a purely good citizen and person!

  17. why dont you like him you just not find him attractive or something , he is good at golf ok but i dont wana smoke him or anything

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