
Am I the only one that feels this way about birth control?

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i've never been on any type of birth control nor do i ever really care to be.....something with side effects such as stroke, blood clots, and heart attack really freaks me out. plus, i have way to many friends that have had bad experiences (side effects) from birth control. a mom who got blood clots from the pill, a friend who had a mini stroke from the pill, and a co-worker who got pregnant on the nuva ring! i know this doesnt affect all woman, and i am certainly NOT bashing any women who are on birth control, but i just want to know if theres any women out there that feel the same way that i do. condoms arent the most fun thing when your married, but even my husband feels birth control in some way messes with a womens natural cycle.....




  1. I prefer the side effects of birth control to the side effects of unprotected s*x.  Of course, after our third, my husband had a vasectomy.  Problem solved.

  2. I don't know - I was thankful the pill was available to me while I was planning my family. I'm allergic to condoms so the pill was my best option. There's pros & cons to everything. For me the pill helped with my acne and helped regulate the heaviness of my cycle. However, now that we're done creating our beautiful family, we (he) took surgical measures for birth control. Now nothing is needed. In a lot of cases, I think it's a blessing that this pill is available.

    Best wishes...

  3. Nope I am very happy that I was on birth control...although I did have three occasions of "side effects".  I got pregnant three times while on birth control.  

  4. i feel the same way. Ive never been on any birth control nor i do want to be. There just seem to be way more downers then perks

  5. Yeah, I hope I'll never be on birth control. It just doesn't sound very natural to me. My mom got pregnant on the pill and had a miscarriage, and that was hard for her.  

  6. I am right there with you. I took Yasmin for 8 years straight and recently got off of it because it started having adverse affects on my body, plus I want to regulate my cycle before we conceive. I feel so bad about putting my body through that hormonal roller coaster for so long and hope it forgives me soon. Condoms are definitely fun and as long as you keep them bedside they don't get in the way of spontaneity at all!

  7. I agree, but if women didn't take it the the world would like over populate to 20 kids per household. lol

  8. You're not alone.  Birth control can be a little scary.  For some women, it's a blessing.  For others, they struggle trying to find one with the fewest side effects.  Fortunately, nobody can judge you based on your birth control decisions.  Do what works for you and your family.

  9. i feel the same way kind of..i am so scared of all the side affects or something going wrong that i do not know if i will get on anything after we are done having kids

  10. I agree 100% with you.  I hate having to take The Pill.  Unfortunately, my husband is a student getting his master's and we have a 9 month old who was a (very happy) accident.  We were using the rhythm method, and I guess we goofed.  I breastfeed and take the mini pill, so at least it doesn't have quite all of the icky side effects.  Once he is done with school and it wouldn't completely destroy us financially to accidentally pregnant, though, I'm done with it - it's not natural and it's downright SCARY.

  11. I have similar apprehension on forms of "hormone" birth control.  The risks are scary and quite honestly, I don't think hormones are anything to mess around with!

  12. I can kind of see both sides of the coin.  I was on birth control for about 7 years - all thru college and my relationship with the same guy (we've been together a total of 10 years now - 3 are married).  

    When I was younger, I definitely thought birth control was the way to go...  You just took a pill at the same time every day and didn't have to worry about anything.  It helped my severe menstraul cramps and helped with the little acne I had.  Plus it was nice to not have to worry about protection in the heat of the moment.  Luckily, I never had any life threatening "medical" side effects from it.

    But I will tell you that I became very dry (down there) when I started it (and switched to another), I was ALWAYS moody; ended up on antidepressants becuase of it, and wasn't that into s*x.  I went off the  birth control about a year ago when we decided to try for a baby.  My body felt so much better - lighter, less bloated, I enjoyed s*x more, and I wasn't moody!

    I got pregnant in a few months and have a beautiful 9 month old girl!  I considered going back on the pill - but with everything I described, decided against it.  My husband is very big on not putting unnecessary chemicals in the body (the whole time I was on the pill, it was my choice).  I feel much better and I haven't been on antidepressants since before getting pregnant with my daughter.

    We just found out that we're expecting again - I'm about 4 weeks along!  While I didn't plan to have my children so close in age, we defintely planned on having 2 - so we're happy!  Hopefully only being 17 months apart they will grow up close to one another!

    Sorry for such a long answer... But I just wanted to show you how I can see the arguement from both sides.  I definitely won't go back on the pill now - but I definitely need to be more careful after this next one!

  13. I don't know of anyone who's had any side effects from birth control.  Usually people that experience the side effects that you mentioned (stroke, blood clots, heart attack) had pre-existing conditions that made hormonal birth control not a good option for them.  As for people getting pregnant on birth control, I usually chalk that one up to them not using it properly.  I've been on the pill for 10 years and only stopped for about 10 months to get pregnant and have my daughter.  I've never experience any side effects at all with them.

  14. Hey,

    I agree with you 100% There are way to many side effects from that stuff.

  15. birth control has always worried my husband, but the thought if having too many children then i can support worries me more!!  

  16. i'm sure you're not the only one, but what else do you suggest?  what will you use? anyways I am having my hubby get a vesectomy

  17. you should check out the implant bar .I got it in my arm over a year ago no side affects and no one has ever been pregnant while using it and it last for three years.Im not sure if you can get it in the USA yet though

  18. Of course.

    Are you aware of how to track your fertility through cervical mucous, basal body temperature, cervical position, etc?  If you know what you're doing, it's just as effective as hormonal birth control, without the side effects.  It's popular among catholics, but many other people use it as well.

    Google "natural family planning" to get more info if you're interested.

    Good luck.

  19. I do not agree.  EVERYTHING has side effects.  Some women really shouldn't have thank god some of them are on birth control.  Heres hoping...

  20. I think that birth control is partly a joke. I am 2 1/2 months pregnant and took birth control for the past 5 1/2 years. What is the point of taking birth control for that long if it doesnt even work? and the reason i got on it was because i had an ovarian cyst and it didnt even make the cysts stop, i still got severe severe cramps every month. So i do understand what you are saying with that!

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