
Am I the only one that gets a chill down the spine when a prospective student spells college wrong?

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I have seen it spelled wrong so many times in the last week that I literally get a chill down my spine and cringe at the fact that so many potential students cannot properly spell this word. I see it spelled "collage" most of the time and I don't want to be rude, but shouldn't students who are college bound at least know how to spell that word? I'm not meaning to rant or put these people down; I'm actually nervous for these students!




  1. well, if it's not a college, it could be a collage... ;-)

  2. The problem is much wider than you think.  I know medical students that can't locate Australia or Libya on a map.  I know lazy college admin. workers who leave to lunch 30 mins early and come into work late and leave early.

    The entire U.S. is suffering from widespread laziness from the admin. all the way down to students.  I believe it’s a reflection of our society.

    What type of people become administrators or teachers?  Think about it.

    Teaching has become the "back-up plan of every liberal arts, humanities and social science major.  They then graduate and realize they dropped 20k in loans on an education they can't even get a job with.  Some make it into county positions, others retrain and some go into college administration and then are the people who actually work in the admissions office.  There are ironies everywhere....

  3. I be a collagfe granulate, and I did just fine without knowing how to spell. I just needed to know how to drink....

  4. well the problem is that secondary schools no longer teach grammar, spelling or math. The liberalism that is spreading through public education and parenting is going to destroy this country.

    Personally, I would reject each and every application that included a misspelling of any sort, shredding those that misspelled "college". I would simply respond to such applications that "based on the grammar in your application, we feel that we could not accept a student who is struggling as such with the English language. This level of knowledge is considered a prerequisite for entry to our university."

  5. You are probably in the minority if you are under 35. Reason is that in the UK the educational system has been 'dumbed down' and that graduates coming into teaching over the past two decades have poor spelling skills. This is why employers have problems finding staff that  have a grounding in the basic three Rs. The modern fashionable trend has been to concentrate  more on subjects that enable students to gain more  A levels; subjects that do not help graduates and school leavers gain employment. Students and under 40-years-old teachers are not  to blame. It is the  social engineering of the left wing so-called intellectuals that has given us  semi-literate and inarticulate generations.

    My grandson (that betrays my age !) showed me his school report.

    For one subject comment the teacher had written.....'could OF done better'.

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