
Am I the only one that hates Rex from BB9?

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I cannot stand him...I wish he would just GO!!

I want Lisa to be evicted tonight. I like both of Sara & Lisa, but Lisa annoys me more.

Who do you want to be evicted?




  1. Yeah Rex is such a horrible person, he was just being nasty to Sara and when he got called into the diary room for his behaviour he didnt think he had done anything wrong. Its even more annoying that he doesnt take responsibility for his bullying. I cant wait til he is evicted, the crowd have been shouting 'get rex out' for weeks.

    Tonight, I want Lisa to be evicted, she is funny and entertaining sometimes but I think shes been in there long enough. Rex and Darnell's faces will be a picture if Sara stays.

  2. Well I have voted to get rid of Lisa several times ,she was one of the original whisperers  

  3. Yeah lisa is annoying they kept bragging that they got 25k last night and they said it got doubled but kathreya is the super cookie power ranger  and your not alone when you say rex is loved to be hated

  4. I also want Lisa to be evicted, though I can't say I like Sara much either.

    BTW I hate Rex ughh :S

  5. if i was his parents i'd be terribly embarrassed & leave him on his arris with NO money

    sara to go

  6. I dislike Rex aswell, I really couldnt understand why the public liked him so much in the begining

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