
Am I the only one that thinkgs the pregnant man shouldnt be getting credit for this?

by Guest67154  |  earlier

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"He" has all his functioning FEMALE reproductive organs that he was born with, he just had this b***s removed and takes hormones for facial hair! He didn't get pregnant by being born with a p***s and no ovaries!! What's with the hype? Why is it hard to people to grasp this? It is a female under all those hormones!




  1. it's crazy. if they were a "g*y" couple before the surgery, then what? the "wife" turned hetero all the sudden? and what danger do those hormones pose to that fetus? he-she wanted to become a man, why - to have a baby? none of it makes sense. now, aside from everyone's opinions on g**s/transsexuals/"gender reasignment"/g**s raising children, etc: that child will have to endure what all this publicity will bring into their lives. it's a sorry state of affairs. I don't think any responsible parent would perpetuate this circus, no matter what their personal lives entailed.

  2. Well, those hormones usually render transgenders infertile. That's what's amazing. Plus it's got that great freakshow attraction. A pregnant man!

  3. dont get soo heated up. women have taken credit for it for a long time. im still kinda wrapping my head around it at this time. but i think they mean functioning man, like on paper, and marriage. so i think thats why. i dont care what others do to their body, thats their personal journey, but i just worry if the baby is going to have it hard.

  4. i disagree he is leagally a man.

    his wife is leagally a woman

    some male frogs are born with ovaries would you say it doesnt count if they get pregnant???

    All female frogs are born with testies what about when they get pregnant?

    He is going to have a child, male or female.

    the world needs to accept it

  5. i agree, i think SHE'S just a flat chested hairy women, a greedy one at that, if she truly wanted to change her s*x then she shouldn't have had a baby, another example of selfish parenting in this world.

  6. I completely agree that this heshe shehe or whatever shouldnt be getting to much hype and coverage. Im pretty sure the media just has nothing other than politics and this to talk about, so they are like "OmG sOmEoNe thats not really a man is pregnant!!"

  7. I do agree with you.  He maybe "legally" a man but "technically" he's still a woman.

  8. id say hes a she if shes pregnant. so i agree with you.

  9. I totally agree! All the promotion is ridiculous. He is not actually a "he"- it's a "she" with the "outside" physique of a man.

  10. its turning into a circus, when a woman has decided to become a man she should have all her bits taken away then this sort of freaky thing wouldnt have been possible.

  11. I know it's dumb, people are just getting all excited cause he looks masculine except with a big ol baby belly

  12. because he has a p***s!.

  13. It's true. Beatie said he decided to keep his female reproductive organs. You can't be born a woman, "become" a man whilst keeping your internal female organs, getting pregnant and calling yourself a "pregnant man"! Don't you think that's cheating?!

    Forget "legally", "he" is still literally a woman, no matter how much testosterone she pumped herself with.

  14. I agree with you.  I hate to tell them but she is a woman that just looks like a man.

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