
Am I the only one that thinks girls are terrible drivers?

by  |  earlier

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The other day, i was at a stop light northbound in the left turn lane. I got a green arrow and the straight lanes were still red (of course). So i took off and some girl in the southbound lane heading straight started going. Its pretty stupid, but understandable (not paying attention and saw green out of the corner of yer eye) My only problem was when i honked at her she hung out the window and flipped me off! WTF!? I have COUNTLESS stories of when teenage girls/women have done crazy CRAZy stuff on the road and when you call them out on it they get p*ssed at you!!




  1. Nope, both males and females are equal opportunity careless drivers at times.

    For every female driver that I've had tailgate me, cut me off, or drive 15 under the limit, I've had a guy do the same.

    Stupidity doesn't discriminate based on age, race, or gender.

  2. The studies do not support your hypothesis.

    There is a reason why boys have to pay more for their insurance.

    For every "countless story" you may have, there are more about guys.  While I feel like a turncoat, I have to go with the truth.

    I see your added note.  A girl might give you a hand gesture.  A guy might follow you home and kick the p**p outta you.  Guy road rage is on the news all the time, haven't seen any girl road rage yet.

  3. No, my boyfriend thinks so! Lol!! Well, not ALL girls...just me! I blame it on the fact that I drive a big *** Nissan Titan.



    well i'm not atleast but my BEST friend is

  5. I fully think men are the more dangerous drivers.  I think you had a teenager that you were flipped off by.  But more often than not the aggressive and dangerous drivers are guys.  Just get that testosterone flowing for whatever reason and watch out!!!!!

  6. I think teenagers in general are really bad drivers. Theyre naturally scatterbrained by virtue of age and raging hormones and now they talk on the phone and text while driving.

  7. Women drivers, no survivors.

    Except for me that is.

  8. yes

  9. Actually its a proven fact wemon halve less accidents than men. They are not as agressive drivers as men. So maybe you just get them on a bad day. I have seen bad drivers of every s*x, racie, etc...

  10. Guys take more chances than girls, and I really feel that guys are more dangerous drivers than the females.

  11. yea..

    but not all girls are.. lol must must of us are because we get so distracted easily  especially teenagers when they are driving around with their friends they want to show off. and stuff

  12. No ALL women are bad drivers.

  13. Dont be mad cuz you have been in like 200 accidents.

  14. bullshit... its guys who dont know how to drive!

    they are either slow or just stupid and cant stay right on the d**n lane

  15. Congrats lesson 1  Masters rule book for Ladies.

                                   1    Women are always Right.

                                   2    If broken an existing rule change it

                                   3    if in doubt revert to rule one

    Yes i do support women only roads,thats a great idea.

  16. nah, there are terrible drivers of all races and genders. You just got unlucky

  17. No and Cell phones help.

  18. There not all terrible drivers it's just that men are by far the better drivers.

    And the fact that women's insurance is less is because men are in more accident's then women.

    But this is only because most women don't pass there test(about2per cent women pass) men (100per cent pass rate)

    men drivers are the best in all driving jobs and are the best at driving any type of vehicle.

    women should only drive the hover round the house and that's it.

  19. Sometimes we can be but not usually, and that is very rude i wouldn't deubt that you would get slapped by a girl if you say tha!

  20. maybee its because they get stressed a lot about periods and looking hot and stuff like that.

    but yeah i notice that also

  21. My most hated driver is the female driver; bonus points if they're on their phone!

  22. You are wrong most girls are bad drivers but not all.  I happened to learn from my dad so I am one of the lucky ones.

  23. Yea, it's kinda ridiculous....I hate to be sexist...but I've NEVER seen an exception...they are horrible...

  24. you're not the only who thinks that, but that doesn't make you right.

  25. yea i'm a gurl and i think i'ma bad driver..

  26. yes, i think men are worse drivers actually

  27. Shut the h**l up.

  28. no i do too

  29. Is that why our car insurance is cheaper?

    .... hmmmmmmmmmm.

  30. Some girls are bad drivers and some guys are bad drivers.  It all depends on does this person care about themselves and the well being of other drivers on the road, what they are concentrating on I mean think about it if your on the phone and driving your not paying as much attention to where your car is going.  I've had women and guys cut me off more women then guys though.  Just last week this women in front of me was going slow I check the right lane its clear no cars so I signal get over speed up, this women cuts over I have to slam on the brakes to avoid hitting her back end, then I put my foot back on the gas all the sudden she slams on her brakes comes to a dead stop and turns from 35 mph scared the h**l out of me.   Also senior citizens are terrible drivers this one time I was to close to this one old man he slams on the brakes just to be an a*****e, WTF is up with that I mean come on move it or lose it at least drive the speed limit.

  31. its most likely only females are gonna answer this and ur not gonna like their answers

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