
Am I the only one that thinks the Dallas Cowboys are ridiculously overrated?

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I mean, the fact that everybody on tv's fallen in love with them is getting kinda old... I think the way that Romo shrugged off the last few playoff losses like he didn't even care worries me about his commitment. I just think that they've been way too over exposed to the media this year. Give me your thoughts.




  1. I know its so g*y ever one says there going to win the devision, we know that then they say super bowl.OVERRATED they aren't even that good

  2. Overrated is a term fans use to try and talk down about how talented a team is because they are frustrated their team isn't in the same boat. It's like people who call Tom Brady overrated... it's jealousy, because anyone would be thrilled if they were to get Brady on their team and suddenly to them he would be the best player ever.

  3. They haven't won a playoff game in over a DECADE!!! So YES they are ridiculously overrated.  I am so sick of hearing about the cowboys over the past few years.  

    Giants superbowl XLII champs!  

  4. I do not think that they are overrated.  I think that every football team in the NFL is being overshadowed right now by the Jets signing Brett Favre.  (That will cool off soon enough though.)

  5. No, personally I think they are a bunch of convicts.

  6. did anyone else notice that the moron Tostado Taco said wade wilson as there coach hahaa, his name is wade phillips shows how much you know. and for the question romo sat on the field with his hands over his facemask when he fumbled the ball on the field goal against seattle,and when the blamed it on romo last year with the loss against the giants he was upset and even to was upset for him. cowboys have a good shot at super bowl idiot. you cant be overrated with the players they have.

  7. No.......Wade Wilson is too much of a laid back coach,they wont be the dominant nfc team for long.Especially if Romo starts playin badly,then T.O. will start griping,and then the whole team will really suck.

  8. I wouldn't say that they are ridiculously overrated, they are definetley a very good team. I would say however that Tony Romo is overrated for someone that has yet to win a playoff game, and let's be honest both games were basically all him causing them to lose. Against Seattle he muffed the kick hold and then against the Giants he totally melted down in the fourth quarter. Also just so we are clear, to the other poster who said the Cowboys play in possibly the toughest division in the NFL. There is no question about it, the NFC East is and always will be the toughest and most competetive division in all of football.

  9. i am fine with that cuz i know they are a team of one and done comes january.

    let them have some fun now

  10. No.

    The saints will when the NFC this year

  11. I find some people that hate or dislike a team will say they are overrated, by whom as far as the Cowboys are concern ? Surly not the media they hardly ever mention them ESPN only when there is some negative news. So I guess it must be their fans and there surly is nothing wrong with bragging on your team. I mean what is a fan ? I see it done by all fans. Fans of a winning and losing team It is called loyalty support faith and hope in ones team. It would be real silly of me to single out a fan of any team for doing something all fans do. That's rivalry football trash talk. If you only brag on a team because they are great and a winning team then you know what they are called. So you say to other fans my team is going to be good this season, if that has become taboo then what is football rivalry. And every yahoo football lover, and people on the streets anyone that loves football has utter the words my team is gonna win !!! its when we use nastiness for trash talk and we disrespect the choice of others that makes us lo-rated.. They are on hard knocks gee they are not the only team that has been there. Dallas has not been overrated they have been ridiculed made fun of called horrible names if that's being overrated then someone else can have it. Well you asked for my opinion and I respected yours.. :)

  12. Romo has only come off of his first full year as a starting QB.  He's got amazing agility and some great talent and will be another Brett Favre.

    You can use the green eyes of jealousy all you want.  Jerry Jones has an amazing list of talent in his locker room this year.

    You know, you can always join the TRUE BLUEs, we would welcome you to the largest group of fans in the NFL... always room for 1 more!

  13. i dont think that they r ridicuously overrated but i do think they r kinda overrated. and i dont think that they r going to go to the super bowl this year considering they r in the toughest division in the NFC and arguable the NFL. and also they havent won a playoff game in like 10 years.  the person i think is tony romo. hes definetly not captain clutch in the playoffs

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