
Am I the only one warming to RACHEL...????

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... or is it just that the choiced are so bad in there that i'm clutching at straws ...




  1. she just hasn't done anything to entertain asked her in the diary room about her day and she basically listed that she woke up, what she had for breakfast, and very excitedly recited exactly what she much had happened in the house that day and the only thing that had any impact on her or at least she was going to admit to having an opinion on was what food she had eaten...she is sooo boring

  2. I liked her at first...dull but nice....but she's morphing into Kat now.

  3. Sorry i could not warm to Rachel if she

    was the last fire on earth.All i see her

    is with a dish or a plate in her hand

    shovelling some sort of concoction into

    into her ever open mouth.She even gets

    exited about beans and grated cheese.

    That's about the only time she comes

    to life,when food is on the go.The caterpillars

    have proved they should win BB9.

  4. Yes the choices are bad .... there is no clear deserving winner - but as far as Rachel goes, your definitely clutching at straws !!!

  5. no i love er tooo :D



  7. I have always liked her and is torn between her and Darnell to win.

  8. For me Doc....I've never ever Liked or Disliked Rachel - She's just been Middle Of The Road for me and their song 'Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep' just about sums her up (you have to be over 40 to appreciate that !!) you'll get it others won't though !!!!!   Did though think she must be doing something good in life when we saw her 'Hunky Boyfriend' !!  

  9. yes i can't stand her .

  10. She's been my favourite since the start.

  11. No shes boring ,One expression on her face Worried and Strained ,What as she done to be a winner ,I know I keep on about that red Blanket ,But she will walk out the house with that around her  

  12. yer i have liked her for a while, but i found myself warming to mikey this weekend (god i can't believe i'm admiting to that) he is making me laugh with rex... and i think i'm warming to rex again, god maybe i banged my head this weekend, either that or i'm still drunk!!

  13. i want Rachael to win i think shes a very nice person and always thinks of others she has been the same person since the beginning so i hope she wins.

  14. Not the only one by a long way - she's 2ND favourite to win - so she must be doing something right

  15. No. But I hate her. Ever since they said she is boring and doesn't have any opinions she has had an opinion on everything, but it is STILL boring!

  16. Im finding it hard to warm to any of them...

    I'll be glad when its all over now...

  17. I like her, she's relatively normal and inoffensive enough but no way does she deserve to win. She has contributed very little in the way of entertainment or watchability.

  18. yep

    shes so fake :|

  19. No. I think she has been consistent all way through. So if that means she has been boring - so what.  I would be boring if I thought it would get me to the final.  All these people that complain about her having a game plan get on my t its. Cos it is a game, why else would you put yourself into a house for nigh on three months with people that you would not wish to say hello to, never mind sit in a bath and shave your armpits in front of!  

    Rachel is Rachel and she made friends with one person that she could trust and that is Kat.  She is consistant too, even if it is singing mad songs, crying and eating cookies.

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