
Am I the only one who's bothered by the Discover Card ads on Yahoo that cover text and don't close?

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These ads open up if the mouse goes over them, even if not purposely, and they don't include a "close" button. So, they remain open unless the page is reloaded. These ads are horrendous (well, all ads are), specifically because these ones can't be avoided. Most that open up over everything can at least be closed, but these Discover Card ones cannot be closed! I would hope that Yahoo would have better sense than to allow such advertisements.





  1. The unclosable Flash ads for Discover are indeed infuriating, both in News and Mail, and don't even need a mouse-over using Safari - the ads appear anyway after a delay. Firefox seems to need the mouse. I have complained to Yahoo, and if they don't stop this invasion, I will jump ship!

    I agree: FIX IT, YAHOO!

  2. " Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord & Christ " - Acts 2:36

  3. Yep,you are.Those ads are to keep prices down.I don't seem to have that problem though.Sorry.

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