
Am I the only one who's stressed?

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The economy is terrible. The gas prices is expensive. I can't find a job because of the unemployment sucks. I've been searching and searching but no luck. I feel like I'm losing hope. The only good thing I got right now is my boyfriend.

How do you feel about everything that's happening right now?




  1. At this time there is little that you can do, but just continue to try. I know from experience that when things look the worse that soon you will be looking back and  being proud of surviving. Things will get better, but only if you keep trying to make something happen. Don't get into the habit of sitting on the couch in front of the TV getting fat and lazy watching the soaps. Too many Americans wait for the government to do something for them when we must do for ourselves. I don't like $4.00/gallon gas any more than the next guy, but I drive more carefully and selectively, I walk when I can, and sometimes ride my bike.

    Sometimes we have to settle for a job that is beneath our abilities or education just to bring money in the house. That doesn't mean that you are giving up nor should you. I was layed off for a year, but continued to send out resumes, knock on doors, and check job sites on the computer. My dream job dropped into my lap out of no where.

  2. Everything is a cycle.  Don't let it get you down.  In the US we still have it better than most of the rest of the world.

    I asked my uncle once the same kind of question, in 1980.  He said "What does it mean when unemployment is 10%"?  I don't know.  "It means 90% of the people are working".  If you can manage to be 9th best out of 10 people, you can get the job!  Sure, it's not that simple; but if you do what you need to do, you will stay employed.  When you are ready, find your own way and make your own job.

    The economy never stops.  It might slow down, but it never stops.

  3. Friends of mine are in the same boat

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    Me I ain't going to push my luck and tell what happen to me

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    But bad does have a BAD side

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    I didn't believe it but brother I am a believer now

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