
Am I the only one who cannot access yahoo groups?? Does anyone know why?? :D?

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Am I the only one who cannot access yahoo groups?? Does anyone know why?? :D?




  1. It is 14 hours now since  it has allowed me to access my groups   at least I know for certain its yahoo

  2. this isn't effecting alot of users or all of yahoo, try reporting it for each group you cant connect to

    you generally only get an auto respond- Yahoo rarely directly replies about these tech issues ( doesn't mean they're not working on it just because you get no reply) but they cant fix a group less they know which ones are broke and which servers they're on

  3. Humm, I just tried my group and its seems to be working just fine. I have seen this happen when yahoo is working on the servers, and you will get a popup message to try back later. I'm sure it nothing to worry about.

    Have Good Day

  4. Well, I have the EXACT same problem... it started 2 days ago on January 24th... I found out that it is not a problem on MY end but with YAHOO in the USA... I checked the connection with the "cmd" thing and then inserting "tracert" in the black box to check WHERE exactly the connection gets blocked or broken... it is in the USA... no clue what yahoo is working on, but I cannot access the yahoo groups main site nor any of my yahoogroups... at least though I get in the daily digest mail... oh and I cannot visit GEOCITIES websites either... seems that groups and geocities is linked... clubs won't work either...

    I hope they fix it soon... at least I know I am not the only one with this problem...

    A yahoo tecnician contacted me yesterday 26th January and this morning 27th January all the problems were FIXED :D

    YAY to YAHOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  5. I also cannot access my groups. I even do not receive the mail.

    What is happening?


  6. In the past four hours, there have been several questions on here about this problem.  Yahoo staff may be making changes to a block of groups.  Usually the downtime only lasts a short time so try again in an hour or so and you will be able to access your groups.

  7. No it seems we are several people that cannot contact the server ...

  8. No theres probly other people that have the same problem!!!!

  9. well over 12 hours I can't access - and no notice from Yoohoo

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