
Am I the only one??? ...who considers the flaws in a woman make her more interesting than those

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...who considers the flaws in a woman make her more interesting than those who are "perfect"???

Give me a woman who is flawed, but has confidence in herself and intelligence... You can keep the Barbie generation with all that make-up and fashion and everything else they need to be "perfect"...

perfection is over-rated!!!




  1. wanna marry me? :)  

  2. I feel the same way about a man

  3. your the only one!

  4. i agree.

    i always find beauty in flaws.

  5. No one is perfect, everyone is flawed in some way or another. The most beautiful woman can be a dub in bed and the ugliest man can be the best provider and lover, perfection is like beauty...its in the eye of the beholder.

  6. Where did you find those 'perfect' women. I don't get it. What do you mean flawed? Physically not attractive? ...

    I have been known to say that you know you truly love a woman when you find beauty in every feature of her face.  

  7. I agree with you 100%.  I'm turned off by "perfect" girls for some reason.

  8. No one is perfect.

    But I am sure you are not the only one.

  9. Barbie lives 4ever. Actually I no the person Barbie was named after (not modeled after if u no wat I mean) but named after. But the barbie doll look is 4ever

  10. I agree entirely.

    And you're a God amoung men for thinking in that direction.

    Kudos, my friend, Kudos.

  11. Awww, you rock dude =)

  12. i digg wat ur sayin but for every flaw someone has they all ways got something else to make up for it like personality

  13. I agree as a girl. I don't like Barbie(Girly) Girls with too much self-confidence and a hollow head-how far is that going to take them??:))

  14. No you are not the only one. Perfect is boring.

  15. Right on, Puddin'!

  16. true, very true

  17. I completely agree with you.

    That is by far the most intelligent statement I have ever heard from a man.

    I believe we all have potential in our flaws.

    Women's only flaw in my opinion, is that they forget their worth.

    answer mine plz:

  18. I agree. I am an interesting woman so my BF tells me. I think like a bloke which Is why I have so many male friends. But he likes it coz its funny at times how I can spot the barbies from the ones worth the time of day.

    Im not really girly when it comes to taking hours to get ready or piling on 4 layers of make up but he loves me the way I am.

  19. Yes - perfection is boring.

  20. I agree but show me a woman who is perfect please.

    Is there such a thing?

    Wanna be plastic maybe, perfect haven't seen one yet. Also, people have a different understanding of what perfect is.

  21. Wow, if only there were more men out there who thought like you. If there were, then most women won't strive for perfection and will accept themselves how they are.

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