
Am I the only one who doesnt find Taylor Swift that pretty...???

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shes blonde and thin and has blue eyes. but I dunno, I just think shes really...odd looking....




  1. me too

  2. Yes.

    She's a fox

  3. I never thought she was "pretty". I look at her and think more along the lines of her being cute.

  4. I only think her eyes are pretty

  5. She is pretty until she talks.

    Something about her mouth bothers me.

  6. I think its amazing she wrote all of those songs starting at age 16, but that being said, yeah she's a bit on the homely side.Did you know she used to get picked on in school ?She said in a interview b4 that the ones who used to pick on her now stand in line for hours to get her autograph,lol

  7. No, I don't think she is pretty and I don't think she can sing either.

  8. I think shes gorgeous, I understand where your coming from though

  9. i think she's pretty, except for the expression on her face. it's like, whoa!  loll

  10. Ugh. Coming from a guy, she's not that good looking. Her lips look weird.

  11. I agree.


    She reminds me of a mouse or hamster.

    But a bit more funny looking.

    I don't get all the hoopla about her being so d**n gorgeous anyways.

  12. yeah i never really found her that pretty either, and in that pic she looks like she just smelt her own f**t

  13. i dont think shes pretty at all. shes really odd looking and really hillbillyish.

  14. Yeah she's really not that pretty and I'm very positive that they computerize her voice somehow because she sings terrible acapella!! Search it on Youtube or something, it's terrible.

  15. she creeps me out O_O

  16. I've always thought she was rather beautiful.

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