
Am I the only one who has problems with these commercials for saving impoverished children from the 3rd world?

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Hold your eggs, I have no problems with helping the less fortunate, but over the years, I have seen all these tear jerking commercials by the Christian Children's fund or whatever they are showing all these starved kids with blank looks in their eyes pleading for sponsorship of their living and education expenses. My question is: why is that their own countries/governments have not been able to do what they are supposed to do for their own people? why is that they just couldn't get their acts together even though they are rich with natural resources? I am from Taiwan, a mountainous Island with very limited natural resources and little flat land for growing food, and on top of all, with Communist China breathing down our neck for over five decades. Our farmers have developped fast growing/bigger yielding crops of all kinds of food/fruits crops over the years, and you don't see commercials with kids from Taiwan looking hungry into the camera pleading for help




  1. No you are not. You are from Taiwan and mention crops? With all the things I see here in the U.S. marked "Made in Taiwan", I wouldn't think you had room for crops. My personal "Best of the Worst" commercial is for $3 to send those silly looking plastic shoes to kids. They mention "good fitting" but look at how they really fit. Plastic shoes in the heat of that country would probably be the most uncomfortable thing I can imagine.

  2. every country has his own tradition... it is good for u to live in taiwan a great developed country .... but in africa they don't have the same chance.. they don't have the US support, in africa the climate is not the same than yours, they suffered from externat causes: colonization, slavery, deportation.... they have more population than you, they still suffer from the USA and the UE actions (did u know that Belgium went there to study HIV virus on the local population, that the USA went there to create the virus ebola) so do not compare uncomparble countries

    of course corruption exists everywhere... even in our rich countries... in yours too in the philipines too.... but i think that even without them africa will still continue to suffer....

    sorry in france when we speak about poverty we think immediately to africa but of course in taiwan you should think to your neighbourgs... logic :):):)

  3. Hey are NOT alone.  It is an INDUSTRY.  One that uses and  exposes children to pull on your heartstrings and open your wallet.  It works too...but how much of your money goes to those children?  Who pays for all those commercials?  90% of your dollar goes to "administrative costs."  It's been going on for decades and proves it is a lucrative industry.

  4. Because we are the ones with the money. And where there's money you have people trying to get it.

    I have nothing against helping people either, but when the US sends millions, if not more, to these countries for aid along with actual aid and very little actually gets to the people in need...we need an over haulin' somewhere. These people need to be taught how to support themselves. These people need to revolt against their governments that are sitting fat and happy. Africa has always been a cesspool of corruption and impoverished.

    Israel was able to develop ways to farm in the desert. I'm sure ways could be developed to farm in Afica's land.

  5. I agree the USA need to mind their own business take care of the problems at hand and then try to save the world. It pisses me off because we have people everyday dying and suffering because they are refused health care. Or like the elderly who survive on their check every month can not afford it. Minimun wage. The huge debt we have. Oil prices. America is in restortion...get ready for the great depression. Thanks to Bush and his associates. We need to help ourselves first.

  6. There are many reasons for this. It depends from which discipline your perspective is from. There are many economic, social, and political factors influencing Taiwan's self-sufficient. Historically, it is best to generalize that Taiwan got a break. President Lee Teng-h*i did a lot to reform while batting off mainland pressure. He implemented democracy and was good to do so.

    A country requires a catalyst of this sort to get things moving - to implement change. Unfortunately Africa has many corrupt rulers and has no hope for this change.

    You bring up a good point though, one that bothers me. Why do the other citizens of other countries not revolt? The US is famous for its revolution against the British. It was a hard and a demanding road but it happened; and I am proud of that. So why do others not rebel?

    I don't know. Lack of nutrition, education, will - I'm sure a variety of many factors as are most things in life.

    Those commercials are sketchy too. I so not trust them.

  7. "My question is: why is that their own countries/governments have not been able to do what they are supposed to do for their own people?"

    There country/government is to poor enough it cannot save itself, thus it is titled a Third World Country. This is when America steps in with their save the world activists who try and save Third World Children.


  8. the media projects areas that way. there are parts of america like that too. they just mask it up to make america look like this being of perfection. i believe in helping others but i think the way we go  about it is wrong. plus, im  pretty sure ther has been millions of dollars donated last year and i havent noticed dramatic improvmernts. all milllions of it definetly doesnt go straight to the impovrished. someones conning them, without  them knowing.

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