
Am I the only one who heard the weather people say that global warming was a hoax?

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Am I the only one who heard the weather people say that global warming was a hoax?




  1. This is just a few guys.  The loudest is not actually a scientist, just a TV weatherman and businessman.

    The American Meteorlogical Association says it's real, and mostly caused by us.  As do the National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Institute of Physics, the American Chemical Society, the American Geophysical Union, etc.

    EVERY major scientific organization.  The scientific proof is overwhelming.  This is not a hoax.

    We have a duty to take care of the planet.

  2. You mean the 1970's urban guerrillas?  I wouldn't listen to them!

    I sure get sick of hearing "scientists predicted global cooling in the 1970's".  Of all the idiotic nonsense that comes out of the mouths of the denierini, that is the most moronic.

  3. not so much a hoax as it is a mistake made by scientists...

    when my father was my age, 16, the weather people were saying that the iceage was comin back... so how do we know that we're not recooperating from the last ice age??

  4. Britain has refused to go along with the "propaganda" and has removed it from their school education claiming it to be Political Agenda they will not buy into because it is void of any proof. Scientist have tried to debate the issue with Gore and His information dopes and they refuse to debate with them. the polar caps have an excess of 4 miles of new Ice formed on them from just the past few years.

  5. Nope, I heard it too.  In fact, wasn't it the founder of The Weather Channel who said this?

  6. It is certainly popular among certain people to take a position of denial based on claims by a lone rogue scientist (on big oil payroll?) or some talk show host who sells controversy.

    But the evidence from hard science is overwhelming and it appears that we will someday think back sadly to when people were still in denial and preferred to listen to one person saying "not a problem"  instead of the thousands of scientists, natives, explorers etc, etc, who are noting big changes and sounding the alarm.

    Check into what's happening at the poles, where the changes are more visible.  Google polar ice and survey 100 sites and see what percentage report problems ahead. I bet you will find 90-98% on one side of the so-called controversy and maybe one or two on the other side.

    This denial behaviour is seen constantly in people - look at how long after the link between tobacco and lung cancer was established before it was widely accepted as true - 20 years !  

    So, the question is - would we rather correct our course as a civilization before or after the ****  hits the fan ?

    As an older person, I don't really have to care - It's going to be next (and next and next)  gen's  problem.  I just want my goodies like always- cheap and guilt free, thank you!

  7. I would say that it is a hoax. I took a college history class and watched a show on tv about the history of the Earth. In the late 1800's early 1900's there was a mini ice age. It lasted for a few years it was pretty devastaing and the Thames River froze over. We are comming out of this mini ice age, so of coarse the Earth is going to be warming up, it just was not caused by humans. It is a natural cycle that the earth goes through and we are eventually going to have another ice age. Al Gore did have a lot of bogus things in his movie, it really was a way for him to get more money trying to keep the people from knowing the truth. He owns a lot of oil companies and other businesses that he was promoting in his movie.

  8. It is true.!!! The green house gas that supposed to cause global warming is not there. If the gas is not there how can it cause anything,

  9. As with the weather forecast (take your umbrella even if the weatherman says "partly cloudy") the climate-change-prediction science is not perfect.  There are those that have made money from their involvement in the "Global Warming" panic, and that is fraudulent, but that should not diminish our resolve to eliminate human excesses which are not in harmony with the environment.

  10. No, it's more of a religion than a hoax.  

    I agree there's no science in it.

  11. You mean Algore's 300 million buck propaganda

    scheme didn't convince them yet?

    They must be right wing oil types.......

  12. i heard it to....but, the democrats need a job.

  13. nope!

  14. No - this is a well known fact, however the media has interest with the dooms sayers because panic, fear, and doom sell more papers than nothing is happening.

    50 years from now the climate will be just as it is today.


      Al Gore “Climate” Tax Coming Soon Alliance

    April 20, 2008

    From the Desk of:

    Steve Elliott, President, Alliance

    You and I are about to get hit with a $1.2 trillion tax increase all in the name of Al Gore’s radical Climate Alarmist agenda.

    Hundreds of millions of dollars are being pushed into this massive effort to create the largest expansion of government power in our nation’s history. This new legislation — called Lieberman-Warner — is expected to be voted on in the next 60 days.

    Today, Grassfire is launching a National Petition opposing this new Al Gore/Carbon Tax Scheme and the Climate Alarmist agenda. Please go here to sign:

    If you need more information on the Climate Alarmist agenda, please go here:

    Please do not misunderstand what I’m saying. I fully support the very "conservative" concept of being good stewards of the earth. But I cannot sit by silently as Al Gore and the Climate Alarmists push a massive taxing scheme on us that will have little or no real effect on the alleged problem of rising CO2 emissions.

    Especially when there is a growing body of scientific evidence that brings the Al Gore theory into question. In fact, it is becoming clear that the entire Al Gore Climate Alarmism is nothing more than a Hoax!


    Because even if Al Gore’s catastrophic predictions were true, all the so-called "solutions" of the Climate Alarmists wouldn’t even put a dent in the "problem" of rising CO2 levels!

    + + Just 60 days to stop this new, oppressive tax

    I just took part in an important strategy meeting on Capitol Hill with key leaders who are working to stop this new tax scheme. The problem is, the Climate Alarmists are pumping hundreds of millions of dollars into their crusade and they have just about every political and Hollywood elite on their side.

    And now the President is caving in!

    You and I are the final barrier to Al Gore’s massive, oppressive tax scheme. Please sign the petition today, and thanks so much for the stand you are taking.

    Steve Elliott, President

  16. I knew it was a hoax from the day Al Gore lied to us about its occurrence.  It's a bunch of c**p.   Back in the '70s or so, it was said that we were heading for an ice age - did it ever happen??  NO, so I certainly don't believe in that ridiculous notion that the world is warming up.

  17. No, you r not the only one

  18. Hoax!

  19. This is deffinitly not a hoax if people keep thinking it is we "humans" will not be here for long of have a future for our kids. all you have to do to believe this is just look around at the arctic melting and deserts getting bigger we are killing our selves and no one seems to understand

  20. Yes, you are the only one.

    Ahh, "the" weather people. Are they related to "they?"

    You must mean these weather people (sorry if you don't like the facts)...

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