
Am I the only one who is shocked that Homosexuality is legal?

by  |  earlier

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Although I will admit that lesbians are kinda cool but still




  1. Apparently.  I'm shocked that blatant trollish stupidity like that whichj has poured forth from you is legal.  Oh wait....there's that pesky Constitution thing that protects your freedom to be an ignorant a**, and also promises all citizens equality under the law.....shucks!

  2. No.  There is no shortage of idiots in this country.  You are not alone.

  3. So what you're saying is, people who consent to g*y s*x should be put in jail, where they will more than likely be anally violated by other men? Does that make any sense to you?

  4. No your not. I just can't understand how a man can bend another man over. I am shocked as well

  5. This is a VERY Hot Topic and a very Political one too, but personally, I have no problems with homeosexual people (men or women), as long as they don't pressure me for being straight.  

    No, I don't think, homosexuality warrants jail time or dark cages.  I think that's a bit extreme, but you have a right to your opinion.  

  6. Hard to legislate what people do with their a**s and junk.

    I don't favor making s*x between any consenting adults illegal as long as it is privately done...but those d**n parades with dudes having their *** cheeks hanging out is repulsive.  

    If the rump rangers would just police themselves and demand a little decency the hysteria would go away.

    Man *** is not a good look.

  7. There's nothing wrong with homosexuality, but there's hella something wrong with you.

  8. live and let live. It takes some flack off the black/white debacle. shhhhhh.

  9. it was bound to happen sooner or later. No one's going to bust in and arrest them (who would want to anyways)

    But think of the other things that many people may not agree with but are legal.

    Abortion, cigarettes, death penalty etc


  11. I dont see why your so shocked. There is nothing wrong with it at all.

    I love g*y people!!! even though im not g*y, I just love them, there so cool.

  12. you're an a*****e.

    plain and simple. if you're not g*y don't worry about what g*y people are doing. it doesn't concern you.  

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