
Am I the only one who is sick and tired of Americans having to watch to not offend people of the Arab world?

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If we don't get some balls and stand up this country is going to lose our freedom. How dare these people come into our country and demand special traetment such as foot washing rooms in colleges. Last time I looked this was America, not Iraq and I wish all of them would leave this country




  1. Pretty strong language :) but I do understand the sentiment - and I'm not an American. There's a big difference between tolerating another person's culture and actually supporting or promoting it. I think we've crossed that line. If a person elects to move to another country, he or she should adapt to the mores of the country, not the other way 'round.

    Did you know that in some countries, there are public funds available for "cultural" groups and activities and for adapting local facilities to foreign groups?

  2. You are so uneducated and ignorant. If you want to go back to the true America then you might as well kick yourself out as well..b/c you are also an immigrant...there is no denying that. Unless you are Native American, which I am doubting.

    Are those rooms going to affect you? Harm you in any way? I think what is the problem. You are obviously a bigot and you also don't seem to understand the meaning of freedom.

    My goodness so many of you are complete idiots, arguing over a wash room. As if it is going to strip you of all your freedoms. A ******* wash room people! Get over it.

  3. If they don't like the way we do things here then they should not come here.  I am tired of this country allowing foreign nationals to dictate policy in this country.  The reason they come here is our schools are better than anything available in their countries.  And half the time the first thing they do is complain about how we need to accommodate their backward needs.

  4. And  last time I checked the majority of the Americans can't even find Iraq on a world map, so if you can not locate the country you are speaking ill of you have no write to speak ill of that counrty. At least, thats my view anyway.

  5. Considering all the trouble s*x has gotten people into, I don't know that we want our genitals taking on this issue. There is nothing wrong if a business wants to provide special accommodations but they shouldn't be demanded. If immigrants are coming here to transform us into THEIR country, they might as well have stayed home....

  6. Truth, Justice, and the American Way !

    God bless America ! long may she reign !

    "America" is the place everyone from anywhere else wants to be.

    If these twerps from elsewhere don't like it here, move to Russia!

  7. Political Retards Run The U.S.A......They Give The Country To The Foreigners,(Thanks For The Spell Check) lol

  8. I am with you, Karen.  We should not have to change our country to accomodate people who disagree with the way we do things here. If they don't like it here, unlike many other countries in the world today, we will not hinder any effort on their part to leave. They should not let the door hit them on the a--  on the way out!

  9. You are not alone.

  10. Arabs wanting a foot washing room doesn't threaten me.  

    but I am sick and tired of bigots who think they are better than others because of where they were born!!!!!

  11. Religious practices must be respected but not to the extent of demanding special treatments.

  12. Sorry to say this but they have the oil we want and as long as they have it, they get to set the rules. I don't like it either but it's obvious our leaders are literally bending over backwards to accommodate these people.

  13. Decode this lyrics " If you don't know me by now"

    Ever wonder are we the living or the dead?

    Getting kick on the butts as casualty of the dead Mummy of failures and horrors of the past from the graveyards of different ghostly ancestor's culture and custom in not worshiping God?

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45, 46-49, 55-56

    Decode this lyrics " Woman in love"

    Ever wonder who had been conned and deceived in broad daylight without being aware of the mess created by  "Venus and "Proud Mary" with "The Eunuch"in own backyards in messing up someone else homeland with ghostly stories on the glory of idol worshiping the dead Mummy of failures and horrors of the past?

    1 Timothy 2.9.15,

    Titus 2.3-5

    All for the glory of idol worshiping the dead mummy of failures and horrors of the past?

    When it were just ghostly kitchen' ghost stories and ghostly modern history of faliures and horrors of the past in ghostly kitchen's dialect with ghostly and deadly words from the graveyards of different ghostly ancestor's culture and custom which is not even a religion.

    Exodus 20.1-6

    Leviticus 26.1, 13

    What do you think?

  14. Personally, I think we've all gone bonkers in trying to be politically correct and accomodating everyone. People need to lighten up.  While I don't wish they'd leave, I do wish they would be a little more realistic.

    Here in Minnesota, where we have a huge Mexican population, the Mexican population in the city next to mine wants to set up their own city council just for them.  WTF??  If they want to come here and live in the US, they need to live by the US rules.  

    I would never expect them to accomodate me in such a manner if I moved over there.  

    Good grief.

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