
Am I the only one who likes the Glenn Beck program?

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I admit after some of his shows I'm scared to death. But he does cover topics you never see on the other networks and his views seem to make sense. At this point I'd say he's better than Bill O'Reilly. Anyone else think this? Or is there someone better on the air?




  1. He comes across as a buffoon but I do like his expressions! My only real complaint is that he's too conservative for me! He doesn't like Liberals!

  2. Obviously, you are not the only one who likes the Glenn Beck program;  not me, though, I can't watch his histrionic rants for more than a couple of minutes before I have to change the channel.  

  3. I tend to agree with you.  He does have great show subjects and he does make sense!  And he's not afraid to speak his own mind and personal opinions, I like that actually.  He seems very real.  

  4. I love Glenn Beck. I watch him every night during the week. His book, An Inconvenient Book, is fantastic as well. You should get it if you haven't already.

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