
Am I the only one who saw this just now??

by  |  earlier

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I went outside about ten minutes ago to try and persuade my cat to come out from under my car (no luck), and when I was out there, I saw a REALLY bright light in the southwestern sky. I assumed it was a planet, though it looked a little too bright. It was twinkling a lot, but it was *not* moving, but a few minutes later I looked back and it was gone. I'm quite positive it wasn't a plane. Does anyone know what I saw????




  1. check it out the same time every night,i think it's venus .watch it and see if it doesn't get higher and higher.........tom

  2. It was Marvin the Martian. He pinched my foil hat and that's what's shining.

  3. An astronomical phenomenon?

    A gas bubble in the atmosphere?

    An Aurora Borealis effect (Solar wind entering the atmosphere creating lights in the sky)? It's not unusual for such things to occur.

    Of course it could have been a star dying, they implode, which means a very bright light would shine.

  4. Sounds like you saw an iridium flare.

    The reflection from one of the 66 iridium satellites can be very bright and last for a few seconds as you describe.

    I've gone on to the heavens-above site, put in my location coordinates, gone outside at the specified time and sure enough there is was in the sky just as predicted.

    Since the satellites move in very predictable orbits and their orientation is specified, these flashes are very predictable.

    Give it a try.

  5. Probably a UFO or a star that blew up long ago [ because the distance from a star to our planet is to great for the speed of light for us to see what is actually happening so we may be seeing something that is not there.]

  6. Usually the bright sparkling lights you see are satellites.

  7. It can be ISS Space Station or the satellite..  

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