
Am I the only one who see's a lot more change coming from McCain then Obama?

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On one side you've got Obama who always goes along with the party platform and Biden who an old, typical politician, senator. On the other side you've got McCain and Palin who aren't afraid to go against party lines for what they think should be done. Plus Sarah Palin's coming from about as far away from Washington DC as you can get. And she's a woman.




  1. Im glad you all see change. With higher taxes on the middle class and not the rich people,Gas being $10.00 a gallon, The economy going down more, because Mccain thinks its fine,Women still recieving less pay for equal work and hey maybe tons and tons of debt for you and your kids for college.

  2. No. Obama talks, McCain does.

  3. Change of party is more change than electing a person who is just starting to disagree with his own party. "and he's black" *rolls eyes*

  4. lol...dream on...McCain/Palin = war and corporate welfare...just like bush!  They can think of new ways to further allow the country to deteriorate.  

  5. You got it!  I feel that McCain's energy plan is more ambitious and all encompassing than Obama's and that it just ONE thing.  

    McCain/Palin 2008

  6. no....McCain/Palin2008  

  7. I agree.  And barack says mccain votes 90% with bush but so oes almost all of congress

  8. Excellent move on McCain's part.  That's why I'm voting McCain.  The last thing this country needs is Obama and the "good ole' boy" network with Biden on the ticket.

  9. Nope, I see it too. McCain is looking pretty "hip" to me right about now. Nice to see him fighting fire with fire. Also its was great to see them steal Obamas thunder and the DNC. Who is everyone talking about today? This shows, again, that MCcain doesnt need help  or adult supervision, unlike Obama,  he just needed to add to his already healthy attributes & platform.

  10. No, you are not the only one.  I feel the same as you.

  11. McCain goes against Party lines????  Is that why he supported over 90% of Bush policies?

  12. hope you guys feel the same way when your next to lose your home are job, 4 more yrs of a republican in office will do the it, they love to blame others for there problems !!!!

  13. McCain at least offers slightly more positive change than Obama.  Listen to Obama speak, he offers no concrete examples of how he'll change things.

    If you REALLY want positive change, vote for Bob Barr (Libertarian candidate).  He not only wants change, but wants to fix everything Dems and Repubs have screwed up these past 100 years.

  14. You're obviously blinded by your political affiliation.

  15. You're right; he's worse than I thought. God save America shall be written on the coins.

  16. are you insane. mccain is just another george bush. different face. same policy

  17. It depends.  None of Obama's ideas are new.  They are recycled from the early twentieth century so in that sense, they are not new ideas.  He does represent change; however, his change is for the worse.  He is proposing the biggest transfer of wealth in history to fund the utopian society he described last night.  I would remind us all that all previous attempts to establish utopia at the expense of a few tax payers, who are supposed to pay for the utopian society, have failed - usually with bloodshed.  McCain is better suited to fix the economy and he is more qualified to direct our military and foreign policy.  I don't see anything to recommend Obama as anything other than a good public speaker but one who will dig a hole that will make the current economic problems seem like paradise.

  18. I love the "higher taxes on the middle class and not the rich" and "lets see if you like it when you lose your home... vote republican and you will see it happen!"


    First of all... taxes. Lets think about that for one second on the simple terms of taxing the rich... "The Rich" as you put it... provide jobs to everyone. You start taxing them more they just pack up the bags and move to another country offering more reasonable taxes leaving you without a job.... then without a home... then wife or kids... then without medical care and millions more would be with you.

    I think McCain will be a much better President.

  19. No your not the only one....but How funny is it that the video of the guy screaming "leave Brittany alone!" actually got more air time (after the fact) than Obama's big speech?

  20. You are not the only one, but you're among a bunch of Republicans who think agreeing with Bush 90% of the time is somehow going to change something.  McCain is for continuing this war that started with a Bush/Rumsfeld lie.  McCain is for offshore drilling, but it's still oil drilling, so what's different about that?  He voted against making sure women receive the same pay as men for the same job.  What kind of change are you looking for exactly?  The only change I see from McCain is his constant flip-flopping on several issues and the only change that will happen if he wins is the USA becoming poorer, a bigger enemy in the world and even more dependent on other countries for oil and cheap labor.

  21. I much prefer the McCain of 2000 to the old white haired guy who has been sucking up to "W" and the far right wing for the last 7 years.  That might be "change", but not the change that I am looking for.

  22. Nope.

    McCain = Real Change We Can Believe In.

    Obama = Unreal Change We Can Believe In.

  23. yes

    messiahbarack is all talk

    he'll throw his own under a bus to get elected

    no integrity

    no deal


  24. Yes.  

  25. No.  Obama talks and wants to do good things to Blue Collar workers.  But Sarah lives through it and does something about it.  With McCain experience and national security, it's a formidable combo.

    This will be the first time I did this in Y/A :) but now I believe this coming November we will see:

    McCain/Palin 08

  26. Obama/Biden=same old liberal politics.  

    McCain/Palin=breath of fresh air.

  27. Not by a long shot.  I gave up on Obama's change when he used his first real decision to choose a running mate that's been in Washington politics since before Obama became aware of Washington politics.

    Obama does promise a lot, though.  He promised to end our oil dependence.  Assuming he has a full 8 years to do that, I don't think Jesus of Nazareth can accomplish that feat in 8 years.

    I would love to know where the Obama camp gets Bush's voting records.  Bush doesn't vote because he's the President.  They also claim that McCain doesn't vote half the time.  How can he vote a certain way 90% of the time, if 50% of the time he doesn't vote at all?  It can't be both.

  28. He'll pat her on the head and put her in charge of toy safety.  We know what McCain thinks of women.    

  29. Did anyone else notice how many things Obama promised?

    "tax cuts for 95% of the country"...

    BAHAHAHAHA.... Hes gonna tell you its the other 95% of the country....

    Also, he met his father... once... one whole month.... theres a word to call him... And howd his mom meet papa obama?

    McCain has more experience... He should play this card "when you were in diapers i was fighting for this country"... mmmhmmm.,...

  30. More POSTIVE changes from McCain then from the socialist-marxist Obama with NO experience

    Great choice Gov. Palin

    McCain in 08 all the way  

  31. Washington D.C. is a dirty diaper, but it takes outsiders [a.k.a. NOT mccain or obama], to do the job. If either one of those two clowns win, America will coninue to be s-h-i-t-t-y.

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