
Am I the only one who sees it...?

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Am I the only one who thinks that Melky Cabrera is going to be one of those great all-around players? I mean, look at him - he's a young guy, switch hitter, plays all 3 outfield positions, has a decent BA, got a great arm... Am I forgetting anything?

But yeah, I'd like input. Thoughts?




  1. Um, if you call .242 a decent batting average then sure, he'll be great.  You did forget to mention the 8 HR and the 36 RBI's he has this year.

    edit: Now that he got sent down to the minors you might be right.  He could be one of those great all around AAA players.

  2. I live in the heart of Red Sox no.


  3. Umm .242 is not a "Decent" batting average.

    Defensively, I cant complain about him. The guy is a theif in CF he steals doubles maybe even triples. In DR he plays for "Las Aguilas Cibaeñas" I wish that more people would watch the Winter League over there. There you can see the kid demonstrating his real talent.

  4. Well the kid can't even slug .400 in a era of baseball where several starting OFs has an OBP of .400. This guy does not have the bat to start everyday.

    He is to me a defensive specialist and a bench player. Bottom of the order starter at best.  

  5. Yeah your right about everything but his BA. He has a TERRIBLE BA!

  6. i mean believe me i would love to see that, but it doesnt look like hes shaping up to be more than an average starting CF. i mean hes in his 3rd full year and hasnt hit better than .280, which is not going to get you all-around great player..he got a good glove and good speed but an okay arm really when you think about it

    i would love to see him be a great player but i think he will above average at best  

  7. Other than being a can't hit and can't field (suspect) I, mean prospect, except for one great play in 2006,


    In other words, since he is not even an "average player", he is not a "Hall of Famer".

  8. i agree with you i think he is going to turn out to be a great star player

  9. OK.  I gotta love this kid's speed and ability to track down a fly ball, but his arm is average and after a hot start, he has been down right bad the second half of the year.  He's got to find his swing and increase his arm strength before I can say that he will be more than an average CF.

  10. The ability to play all 3 outfield positions is hardly note-worthy. Any outfielder can move to any of the outfield positions and do just fine. There are minor differences between the 3 OF positions but any player worth his weight in peanuts can adapt to them instantly.  

  11. He'll be a power hitter around .260 probably, if he stays out of NY's great media coverage. I don't think we know anything about his character or off-field activities, so that's up in the air too. But not bad. Time will tell.

  12. no i disagree. he's more like a kenny lofto type. a decent player fast good outfilrder but overall just a medocre player.he bats a low .240 his power numbers are weak. his assist are down and his stolen bases are belwo average for a player of his speed. he doestn come in the clutch and hes only knon for one stupid play in whihc he robbed many ramirez of a home run. i dnt think he will be a yankee next yera.if the ynks can tarde him and a few other prospetcs for a big league pithcer like roy oswalt, aaron harang, or even erik badrd they would.

  13. I agree with everything you said, but for the ability he has, I wish he had a higher BA. With so many things going wrong for us, Melky's poor hitting isn't near the top of the list, I think if the team was clicking better, he may get back to his old ways. If this performance continues into next year, though, I say trade him. We can easily get back somebody just as good to fill his position.

    He's good defensively though, so I can't complain about that. At least he hustles unlike his chauffeur Robbie...

  14. As a yankee fan i think melky is going to be a good defensive outfielder. If you watch the yanks like i do you can see he has no idea at the plate. he isnt going to be a bat you can depend on

  15. I agree with Faith Believer. He sucks. Go Astros!!!!

  16. You guys are crazy, Melky is a glorified 4th outfielder who has no business starting.  He is very good defensive outfielder, but he has not progressed offensively in the last couple years.  

    Also what type of baseball do you play where a .242 BA is decent. He has the second lowest OPS, among qualified leaders in baseball and since June 27th he is hitting a whopping .212 with 1HR, and 4RBIs. He has 3 hits and 1 run scored in the month of August.  The ENTIRE MONTH and only 3 HITS.  Those are not the qualities of a star outfielder. They are not the qualities of a major league outfielder.

    Ok yea I'm sure you have seen worse BA, but it doesn't make a .242 BA competent. He has the 4th worst BA in the American League amongst OF.

  17. This being his 4th year in MLB, at age 24, he has a career batting average to this point of .266 and 23 career homeruns.  I believe he has the ability to stay in the major leagues but I have not seen anything from Melky that leads me to believe that he has star quality.

  18. Yep, I think you're the only one... I'm not seeing it. He's a good defensive outfielder, but his Bat will hold him back from being a  "great all-around player" as you put it.  If I were you, I'd stick with "Good defensive Outfielder."

  19. are the only one!

    You have bumped your head and are delusional!

    OH C'Mon.....I was joking with ya!

    I was being funny, please, let's continue to be friends?

    And......oh.....get a d**n TV........WOULD YA?

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