
Am I the only one who thinks it's NOT admirable that Palin went back to work 3 days after giving birth ...?

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to a baby with Downs Syndrome? Seriously. I'm a working mother, but that's not admirable. That's ludicrous. I, for one, am extremely happy with the Palin choice. I was a little worried about the lack of experience issue for Obama, but no longer. McCain is one sunburn away from making Palin the President of the United States and she has ZERO experience. Good job, McCain the Maverick. Thanks for making this an easy choice.




  1. Yeah, 3 days is a little weird.  So much for bonding.

    But she's not really very maternal, is she?  She threw her daughter under the bus when it was politically convenient.  Imagine having the whole nation know you're a knocked-up unwed teen, just so your mother can diffuse a rumor about whose baby is whose.

    In November 2006, in a gubernatorial debate, she declared that she would not support her own daughter if she were to get an abortion,  even if she had been raped.  Again, not very maternal.

    Meanwhile, she's parading around her Downs syndrome child like some kind of badge of honor.  Yet another politically expedient use of a child.  As an earlier poster said, those are her priorities.

  2. Just because Obama didn't have a father that was around doesn't mean Palin's children don't have a father that is around.

  3. It was her decision, not mine.  I wish moms could all stay home with their babies like my mother and I did, but not everyone can do that now.  Some probably didn't want to then.

  4. You are biased. But I agree with you-lets forget politics, a mother should look after her babys.

  5. What's not admirable is Obama voting off the babies born alive. Nothing admirable about killing babies. And what if she went back after three days? She's got 4 other kids at home who can help, one of them 16, and it doesn't mean she was at work all day. She also has a husband that I'm sure stayed home most of the time for her to be able to go back.

  6. YEs, you are.  I went back after only a week and I can guarantee you that I'm an excellent mother. SOME woman can handle both.

  7. Nice to know you pick a president based on sexism.  She does have a HUSBAND that helps her with her children.  

  8. Yes, I absolutely agree.  It would be one thing if she HAD to return to work to be able to feed her family, but that obviously wasn't the case.  The first job of a mother is being a parent.  

  9. She's not a real family person than is she.

    She abandoned hr new born for work... not very admirable.

  10. I dont think its admirable either... the palin choice for vp is def not a good one... I too was thinking of voting for mccain... but when he picked palin and i looked up more about her like not even having a plan for foreign policy than i realized that the mccain/palin ticket isnt the best choice... I dont care if i get thumbs down for saying this, but mccain is only thinking about his political party and not the billions of others in this country who is looking for a strong dependable leader with good judgement.

  11. I couldn't agree with you more. All these women, "I went back a week after", yeah well, she went back 3 DAYS after. And with her kid having down syndrome? Yeah she's an idiot. And i don't care what anyone says. It shows that she doesn't care about her family, she just wants the money and the publicity.  

  12. Yes. And it was the right choice. Say bye to Obama in November!

  13. It certainly shows where her priorities are.

  14. umm how many other women in hollywood for example have had a baby and went right back to work or where back to their original size within the week...who are you to ask what is right for you lead her life...he has made it an easy choice for me..he and she will get my least she knows what a real family is...with real issues...its not reasonable to say if your kid gets pregnant they will have an abortion like obama did or is it to you? do they not get to choose...if they are old enough to play they can take the responsiblity to raise the child as well if they want too...

  15. Yeah, and the rest of Obama radicals who can't find a better argument against Palin.

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