
Am I the only one who thinks people don't always need to be lectured about this?

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I am referring to when a man or woman asserts that all persons of the opposite s*x are pigs, bleeps, etc., based on their limited experience.

It seems, to me, to be stating the obvious that they are wrong, and that the persons making the claims more than likely know that, they are just upset and that affects how they express themselves.

This especially bothers me if the person is young. They're going to make mistakes and over simplify matters. That's natural, isn't it? Or so is often said to excuse them for really heinous things.

Can't we cut them some slack?




  1. It goes along with basic respect.  There is way too little of it today.  As for young folks: they will always act on the immature side until they grow up.  Do not let that hinder your reactions toward them.  Keep leading by example.

  2. Yes, young people do make mistakes and over generalize but if they are not corrected, they grow up to be obnoxious adults who still act like adolescents.  Which is the problem with "cutting them some slack."  They don't grow up.  So, if a young person, or any person, makes broad, offensive generalizations, their error should be pointed out to them.  Hopefully, then they will grow up to be a mature adult, who thinks about the impact of the words they use, and not an obnoxious one who doesn't give any consideration to the feelings of others or others opinions.

  3. The problem is that most of them DON'T know that they're wrong!  The think, especially if they're young, that their limited experience is all that there is.  No one needs to be lectured, but I'm not going to just agree with them when I know they're wrong.  Stereotyping is ignorant and it stunts your emotional and mental growth.  We have a duty, as the society a person lives in to at least voice our objections when they make bigoted statements.  If they were stereotyping a race, wouldn't you speak up?  Well stereotyping a gender is just as bad and shouldn't be tolerated any more.  The other thing to consider is that when  person has only come across a certain "type" of behavior, it's because they are making choices that lead them to choose to be around people who act that way; just saying all men or women are like that takes away their responsibility to make good choices and dooms them to always be in wrong relationships where they are treated badly.  No, I won't stay quiet on that.

  4. Yeah, when you're really angry, you spout off things from back in childhood or younger days when you didn't know any better. I don't think they really mean it, or even really believe it, after they've said it.

    I say, cut them some slack. We're only human, after all!

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