
Am I the only one who thinks?

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that the McCanns are at least partially responsible for what happened to Maddie? If they had not decided that having a meal was more important than looking after their child, then she would still be around today.




  1. You are NOT alone in your thinking!!  I agree 100% with your statement...its a sad fact that they left ALL the children alone on a regular basis to go for evening meals......I as a parent find that aspect DISGUSTING and I hold THEM responsible for the consequences that have enfolded!

  2. there is way too much that is not adding up in this case but wait it will come out in the end.

  3. Sure?

    What about the desk-top ?

    Why can't they think?

    Since they too from the same school.

    Leviticus 4.13, 22

    What do you think?

  4. What about other missing children?

    Come on people, if all this bothers you so much, start looking for the others too!

  5. NO parent in thier right mind should ever EVER leave thier kids unattended no matter how safe they thought they were!

    In a strange place, in a strange country my child would be glued to my side!

    I would rather leave him behind with a family member than take him on a holiday and  leave him alone!

    I believe they were very very wrong and should face criminal charges in that respect.

    I honestly believe IF she was taken then this woulndt have happened if the kidnapper wasnt given the opportunity in the first place and sadly thats something they have to live with for the rest of thier lifes!

  6. Yes I think that too - they should accept some of the blame but they still are too busy complaining about the press, the Portuguese police etc etc...

  7. Absolutly.

  8. no that whole thing is a big lie in my opinion

  9. i say that they had some involvement in the incident!!!

  10. I'm sure had they any idea that some lunatic was waiting to snatch their child from her bed, then they would have thought twice about going to dinner don't you!!!

    Surely they have paid the biggest price imaginable for their mistake! give them a break will you.

  11. Why oh why are the papers insisting now that the investigation has come to a dead end and the Portugese authorities have removed the "suspect" tag from the McCanns that they are "innocent".  They should surely be facing prosecution at least of child neglect  or worse.

  12. They will have to live with that for the rest of thier lives which must be like a life sentence but i do believe they should be charged with neglect or abondonment.

    Something must be done to them to send out a message that it is unacceptable to leave 3 young children unsupervised.

  13. Yes , I agree

  14. yes totaly spot on girl where where they when she was kidnapped nowhere to be seen left the poor little girl on her own in a far away country and now she could be lying dead or alive and sold for a slave it smells fishy to me others say they faked her kidnapping to calim money but that aint the case .

  15. Yes. I agree :)

    Its something parents theese days should learn from.

  16. and you're perfect, are you?  Probably the one thing worse than torturing yourself with a fatal error of judgement is being tortured with it by interfering scumbags who can't mind their own business.

  17. they are just typical negligent doctors blaming others on their mistakes.

  18. I'm sure you are not.

    However, I am also sure that if for one moment they thought someone would take their child, they would have taken steps to ensure her safety.

    As it was:  they checked up on her regularly, they left her asleep in her own bed and they were nearby.

    Few people make allowances for evil - because it is so foreign to us all.

  19. No you are not the only one that thinks that.

    Personally I blame the abductor

  20. If the McCanns had made a one off mistake then I would say so be it,it could happen to any parent,they made a mistake.However when they make the same mistake over and over again and when their precious daughter asks them "where were you last night mummy when we were crying"and they still shrug it off and go out and leave them unprotected yet again,I'm afraid that I can no longer accept that it was a genuine mistake and yes the McCanns themselves must shoulder the responsibility for her disappearance

  21. Yep, their absense allowed the situation to arise.

  22. I think the same as f0xy. Let it go top contributor.

    Why do you voice a concern over the plight of the homeless and the disadavantaged.

  23. I think you will find, you are not the only one.

  24. Am I the only one who can't believe that a "top contributor" didn't notice ENDLESS repetitive rants and posts about that very topic?  In answer, no - you are not the only one by a long shot...and it was boring a year ago, it's no more interesting now.

  25. No you are not.  I believe that until children are of an age where they can look after themselves properly, they are under the responsibility of their parents.  What kind of parent are you to leave your child alone in a foreign place- even at home for that matter?

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