A vaccine is when doctors inject dead or weakened cells of a virus into your body, so your body can form antibodies to protect you from ever getting the disease. When you become infected with HIV, your body produces antibodies, that dont kill th virus in the first place, or else HIV wouldnt be such a big deal. Then, if you think you might have HIV and you get an antibody test and you had the vaccine but you are still scepticle, your test will come back positive, as your body does have the anitbodies in you system, that wont necessarily kill the HIV virus. So, if you are, in fact positive, you are lucky, but if you are in fact negative, but your body has the antibodies to protect you, you will be treated for a virus you dont have, which will cause further problems. Am I wrong or am I just thinking literally now. Also, what if the virus is not weakened enough, and the person becomes infected, like what happened to me with my influenza test?