
Am I the only one who thinks that the McCann's should never have left 3 smalls kids on their own?

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I know that a lot of people think that it's a cruel question to ask, 'as it can happen to anyone'...

But I'm sorry, if the kid had been 'snatched' when they were all in the house with the parents, ok. Maybe if they had been held at gun-point, and the kid was kidnapped that way, ok. If it was a really busy busy area and the kid wandered off, and someone took advantage of this and snatched the kid, ok. But that didn't happen! The kids were LEFT ALONE!!!

Now, I don't know what kind of bubble other people live in, but I've really thought hard about it, and I can hardly think of anyone who would leave their kids alone, in their own home, let alone in a foreign country.

Am I just a stone cold hearted *****, or is this a valid question?




  1. Sad to say, but some moms think this is ok.  I agree with you, I could never even think of doing this.   I don't even go get the mail if DD is taking a nap or playing quietly - she comes with me (same for taking out the trash, etc).  

    I know at least one "good" mom (or who I thought so) who thought nothing of leaving her baby sleeping at night, while she and her DH went out to dinner across the street.  She justified it saying that they kept watch over the apartment to see if anyone went in or out.  I was flabbergasted to say the least.  I mentioned the McCains, but it didn't seem to faze her.  She really thought it was ok to do this (and her husband was with her (!) so he must have thought it was ok too).

    Btw, I am of the opinion that the little girl woke up, couldn't find mommy or daddy and left the hotel room.  It's too sad to think about.....what happened after that, I don't know.

  2. This upset me greatly over this little girl innocent little child that was left alone with her twin siblings while the parents enjoyed themselves on a 'Family' holiday..whats more upsetting is these are professional people why on earth have they been allowed to carry on ..if we did this we would be done for child neglect .. and who in the right mind would leave children this ago alone ..sickening !

  3. You are not alone in thinking this and that has been made very clear on answers for the last year and a half. Am I alone in thinking that too many people keep asking more or less the same question?

    At the end of the day, they did leave her alone. And they lost their daughter. How deeply do you want to rub it in? It doesn't get their child back does it.

    The parents were certainly not thinking right to have left their kids alone, but does it need to be rubbed in now? They certainly were not thinking 'oh we'll leave our kids alone so they can be abducted'

    No, they had (wrongly) not sensed any danger. That was a dreadful mistake on their part and a major lesson for all other parents who think it'll be alright to leave their kids alone for an hour. It's never ok, but spelling out their mistake is a fruitles and vindictive effort.

  4. They were selfish actions that led to a small, innocent girl being kidnapped.  

  5. Nope i agree


    I would never leave a child as young as she was along with the other two children alone in a house like and i am sorry but checking on them every half hour isn't good enough unless your in the next room!

    And you ain't a heartless ***** no

    unless you thought the McCanns deserved it!

  6. Totally agree, what if they children got into trouble. Maybe got hold of something and started to choke. It was totally wrong to leave them in a public place. Uperstairs in your own house, yes, but we're talking an open venue here.  

  7. Well of course others are going to say No It's Not OK to Leave Your Kids Alone.  But they thought it was OK and they were wrong.  If my kids were sleeping and I went next door to my neighbor's house to chat, I would think it was OK because my house would be locked up and I'm right next door, right?  I'd be shocked if someone actually broke in and took one my kids.

  8. I've wondered that same thing myself.  You don't ever leave your kids alone in a foreign country with all the baby and kid snatching that goes on in some of them- especially from foreigners.  It was a complete lapse in common sense and unfortunately they are paying the highest price for it at the loss of their child who could have been sold, killed or both.

    I always wonder the same thing with parents of kids that are walking 20 feet behind them in a mall trying to keep up and mom and dad are way ahead not even noticing in their own world.  Those kids are targets as well because anyone could snatch them and disappear in a crowd with the kid and be gone.   Same way in stores and parents let their kids run all over and act like monsters gettting into things, playing with stuff on shelves, and running around.  It's not only a distraction and nusance to other shoppers but it's plain idiotic... then again, no one would want to take those kids. They are too much of a handful.

  9. I know!!

    I have been thinking that since it happened, but no-one else seems to agree. They had someone checking on them every hour apparently. Wow that's good when the baby starts crying or something.

    Hopefully its taught people a lesson!!  

  10. I agree its their fault - their too young to be left alone even with checking them often throughout the night. None of this would have happened otherwise.  

  11. You are right, although what happened to poor Maddie is tragic it was clearly avoidable, if it happened in th UK surely they would have had the social services involved as it is surely a case of neglect.  

  12. I agree ... the kids should NEVER have been left on their own.  Never in a million years.

    What kind of parent leaves their YOUNG kids alone??  

    I know plenty of people who agree with me on this and i know it is terrible what has happened and must be every parents worst nightmare...but the McCann's will have to live with the fact that they are partially guilty for what has happened because they chose to leave the children alone...and they will have to live with the guilt of their actions for the rest of their lives!!

  13. I agree, what was they thinking?

  14. i totally agree with you, so if you are a stone hearted ***** then so am i and if i had been stupid and selfish enough to abandon my kids like that i would have had them took off me and put into care, how come they still have their other 2?? anything to do with the jobs they are in? yes i think so, just shows it pays to be wealthy, you end up being above the law

  15. Excellent question! It' was extremely irresponsible of them to leave 3 small children in a house by themselves. Kids do still get stolen even if the parents are in the same house, but I think that decision to put themselves first will haunt them forever.  

  16. They shouldn't have left the twins and Maddie on there own. I mean, even if one of them were there and went to the toilet, they could still get snatched.

  17. i got to agree with what you say. BUT what really gets to me is that everybody seems so focused on slagging the parents off when at the end of the day, the girl is still missing. nobody knows the full truth about what happened that night, the parents are the ones who have to live with the guilt, not you or me. surely the focus should be on finding this little girl and dealing with everything else afterwards?

  18. I barely leave my kids alone in a room by themselves but thats just me i'm a little paranoid lol i watch the news and it terrifies me being a mother. I hate to judge anyone as you are right it can happen to anyone but shouldnt you take every precaution to see that it doesnt?  

  19. No, I don't think you are the only one to think that!

    Also I don't think you are hard-hearted.

    but because of what the McCanns are going through already ( they have to live with what they did for the rest of their lives) It's probably best  not to dwell on those facts, and hope that they find Maddie.

    Remember, they will never, ever forgive THEMSELVES!

  20. I agree with you. If they didn't leave their children alone then Maddie might not have gone missing.

  21. i totally agree, i would stay in all night than go out and leave my children, its not worth the risk, cuz i just know shes not gonna turn up now, i kno that seems a bit morbid and pessimistic but come on....its been over 12 months and theres nothing....them parents were VERY wrong  

  22. I don't think you are alone with this way of thinking.  I too can't believe that the Mccann's  were stupid enough to leave their children.  I wont say that they deserve what they got, but they shouldn't be surprised that this kind of thing has happened.

  23. This question has been asked a million times on here.

  24. What a stupid question!

    Everyone knows they shouldn't have been left alone.

    You know everyone is going to agree that they shouldn't have been left alone.

    You even answered it yourself by saying you don't know anyone who would leave their kids alone.

    I think you are looking for people to tell you it's a valid question and you are not a stone cold hearted ***** here.

  25. No they shouldn't have but I bet they have said the same to themselves over and over again, but whats done is done, they won't do it again, no point harping on  about it tho.

  26. I've said the same thing from the outset...and it might be the very reason it is so hard to find her....scenario: child wakes up, walks through the house....finds no one, gets scared...leaves the hotel room to search for mommy and daddy, but instead winds up being down the wrong hallway at the wrong time...and meets up with a bad stranger....which might be the reason none of the other children were touched.

    to me..even though its a awful situation, and I'm sure that mother and father go through the emotions every day....charges should have been brought against the united states, no matter how awful mommy and daddy feel...charges would be brought up if you endanger your the united is against the law to leave your children alone before age 13 I believe. I think thats one reason why that part of the story was kept hush hush, and not reported on or asked about so much, they didn't want to show how negligable they are..they are some pretty high up people where they live so they protected them..which to me is a total disservice to Maddie.

    we have a mother in our neighborhood, who the other day was a little agitated when coming to pick her daughter up from the bus stop when the bus was late...she's a stay at home mom like me, and our daughters often play together, so I asked her where they were going, and she looked at me kinda funny, and I commented on her being in a hurry, and she said..."Oh!" and then kind of laughed and said "No, I'm in a hurry cause evan wakes up around this time," well, evan is her 18mth I was kind of because I thought he was in the car and she was just standing outside, and two because she just didn't seem like the type of mom to be that stupid..I mean even if he was in his crib........things can happen, what happens on the day he decides to try and climb out of it? I would have just re arranged my child's schedule which, while not easy, isn't exactly hard either.....needless to say, my daughter won't be going back to her house.

    to everyone who wants to give thumbs down to those coming down on the parents...get this.......the night before Maddy went missing? the parents had left her alone as well, and appparently maddy the next morning asked her mommy why her or daddy hadn't come when she had woken up crying for her..which led the mom and dad over breakfast to have a discussion that they needed to watch the children a little bit closer....only to leave them alone again that night when maddy was taken....that poor little girl..first of all, children have a huge intuition, secondly, for all we know...something woke her up the first night she was left alone..and then came back to take her.

  27. Whilst my heart breaks for Madeline McCann I have to agree with you.  Why on earth would you go on a family holiday and leave your young children alone at night.  Wasn't there a babysitting service available at the hotel?

    Sorry but that's my 2 cents.

  28. WHAT WERE THEY THINKING???????????

    not good, i wouldnt dare do that, not even for a minute while i check the letterbox,, i actually lock the door behind me and take the keys!,,lol, u just never know what could happen when u leave them unnatended, i wonder where poor maddie is now!, xxxxxxxxxxx

  29. Where can I find this story?  I am interested in reading about it...

    I would never leave my child, not for a second.  

  30. i think one of the parents are involved

    do you know why ?because the other kids didn't get up ,they were safe and feeling alright so its either one of the parents or one they know very well and because they didn't say anything about relative or friend its about one of the parents

    how many cases we discovered later that one of the parents were involved in killing then say our kids were kidnapped?

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