
Am I the only one who thinks this is weird?

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My fiance had been engaged a couple years prior to meeting me, and she broke it off with him and married one of his best friends. He never named names and I didn't care to dwell on it...didn't matter.

I recently found out that his ex fiance and her husband are one of the couples we hang out with. Not a lot, maybe once a month in a group setting. I'm annoyed that he never told me who it was now. Am I being immature? It just seems odd to me that he would still be fine with hanging out with them esp since it was a messy situation. I see her in a different way now, it's weird. Plus why wouldn't he just tell me? I feel like he's hidden it from me.




  1. Needless to say that it is probably something that he does not like to talk about or dwell upon. I could not imagine him wanting to be involved in any activity that they would also show up to... You could talk to him and just let him know that you would like to have known so  that you did not put your self in a position to embarrass yourself.

  2. I definately wouldn't want to be around them anymore, immature or not who cares. I would want to know why he hid it from me.  

  3. Susan, I feel your pain.

  4. That was his situation, not yours. It looks like all worked out among the three and they are all happy with who they are with....including you. It is not your place to judge that situation. Not a question of you being immature. Just not your business. Stop "feeling" like a victim, maybe he didnt feel there was anything to tell you. You know now, right? Is he acting indifferently? Prob not. Let it go and enjoy your man. maybe find a way to reinforce your self-esteem.

  5. You need to talk to him about it, and I would not hang out with them anymore.

  6. have you you asked him why he didnt tell you.. i would be the same as you. dont that was right

  7. Its only a matter of time, SWINGING!

  8. Yipes,,,,,Yea I think that is weird.  I would have some good conversation with him and I would wonder why in the heck he wants to keep a friendship with them.  

  9. I can appreciate why you are bothered.

    He was not forthcoming...Meanwhile, you guys have been hanging out with his EX - which is cool for alot of people - but he robbed you of your decision to hang out with them or not...

    Also - marriage should not withhold secrests so - yes, I would be a bit concerned about the ommission.

  10. The only reason I can think he wouldn't tell you is because he still has feelings for her. That's what I would think. Yall shouldn't hang out with them anymore.  

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